
Who is worse now.. Barry Hall or Dean Soloman?

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I mean... a sudden fist is not footy in my book, but a flying elbow is as bad as it gets I would say




  1. Baryy Hall deserved longer if thats the amount of time dean solomen got.

  2. Im a swans supporter but Hall was very stupid and was completly off the ball and soloman sort of the same but Hall's was just the worst!

  3. They are as bad as each other- Hall got 10 weeks (down to 7 for a guilty plea), Soloman faces tribunal tonight- no reason shouldnt be in same region.

  4. They are both things we don't need to see in the game, the hall one was the lesser of two evils , that is just my opinion, staker was at least standing front on to hall,  he should of half expected it.

    The Soloman one was just gutless, ling had kicked the ball and had no way to defend him self, it has nothing to do with  ling was the player on the receiving end, the damage caused was far worse than that caused to staker as well. 10 weeks for Deano for by fair,  he should pay the medical bills too. (14 reports, 12 times found guilty, for only 9 matches suspension, he must know someone at the tribunal, been very lucky)

  5. both are very bad but i would have to say that barry halls was probably worse. Soloman is a thug and ive never liked him. Soloman will be out for the rest of the season

  6. they are both bad but in my opinion Barry Hall was worse

  7. Hall

    but god he is hot

    i want to have his baby

  8. Yes it is as bad but hey, is all the hype because it was "Ling" or because of the injury? We see flying elbows quite regularly but I think that this episode has been blown out due to the fact that Soloman does have a precarious record at the tribunal and because of the degree of the injury to Ling.

    When you look at the fact that Franklin was involved in a similar incident some weeks ago but that his opponant wasn't seriously injured and that everyone is on the Buddy bandwagon, it makes you think that a lot of people have got double standards.

    Ling and Soloman are actually mates and I think what Glenn Archer had to say on Footy Classified has some merit. I think we can learn a lot from someone who has played the game and knows about match intensity.

    Have a think about it ...

  9. As someone else said they are both as bad as each other. Hall is a repeat offender, along with Solomon, and they both try to hurt opposition players on purpose.

  10. i would say hall, simple because the incident was behind play and after wards hall raised his arms like he did nothing wrong, soloman is also bad but his was in the play. i would say big bad Barry for sure! and i think most people will also agree.

    i may be a bit biased because he hurt our player, who has since the incident missed many games and never been playing back to his best.

    i like how it was pointed out that both Hall and Soloman are Victorians!!!

  11. 2 different attempts bazas was a closed fist, soloy"s  was a far to high shoulder charge either of them have no place in any sport, and nor should they  have the luxury of pleading the charge down, to take a guilty plea and have the charge reduced and get the luxury of playing again sooner is c**p, theres an old saying "you do the crime you do the time" and thats exactly what should happen here ,lets NOT forget there are younger kids out there who would consider these players as idols,, and to take this further none of us should condone voilence in either the playing field or society.

  12. barry's was worst but not by much neither player saw it coming they seem to think they can do what they if it's during play it seemed pretty deliberate, just like halls

  13. Depends ... that's like asking would you rather have VD or Herpes?

  14. i would say barry halls hit, as it was a punch

  15. Even though I hate Dean Solomon for what he did to Lingy I would have too say Bazza because he just likes knocking people out because he's nuts! This dude has something seriously wrong!

  16. No difference - they are both thugs.

    Plus, they are both Victorians playing for teams in other states - why did their original teams give them the flick?

  17. Barry Hall.

    Solomon's effort looked worse, due to the fact that Cameron Ling is a wimp & took a dive.

  18. **I would have to say that while I think that both are bad and shouldn't happen, Barry Hall's fist looked worse (in my opinion) because it was as if he snapped and just turned around with the fist.

    Due to all the attention this current incident has received I think Dean Solomon will have a nice holiday (prob seven weeks or so), it looks good that he came out and gave a public apology to Cameron Ling and the Geelong Football Club so I think that might work in his favour.

    At the end of the day though, young kids watch this game and look up to these men so if they do the crime they have to do the time.**

  19. Barry Hall he had used his fists twice (at the same stadium) the 1 against wakelin didnt hit him but it was close.

    Dean's hit was more serious but he didnt do it on perpose yea he still done it but it couldnt be stoped whereas Barrys he could have controled

  20. Both bad, but ling was playen for the ball minding his own business.. Staker was annoying the c**p outta hall and hanging off him wen he copped the blow..

    Solomons is worse..

  21. Hall is the worst and the ugliest

  22. They are both as bad as each other and both are very dirty players...... you would think at this level of footy and both being veterans to the game they would have their sh%$ together and just play footy

    Again .... both players don't deserve to play at this level....

  23. Barry is worse but the AFL hierarchy have a lot to answer for we can't bring in one punch laws for those with to much alcohol them and ignore it when elite sportsman do the same on a football field.

  24. hmmm not sure.....soloman used an elbow, hall used a fist.......not really that much different........both bad!

  25. Hall is a thug and a goose

  26. both of them

    infact every afl player..

  27. Its really very simple. Offenders get the penalty from the tribunal, say 4 weeks, BUT their penalty commences when the injured party is ready to play again, in the meantime the offenders are suspended. So if the tribunal says 4 weeks and the doctor says the injured party is off for six weeks, that's a 10 week rest. If the injured party never plays again, guess what...history for the offender. That will slow down the foul play.

  28. Both are bad.  Why compare two random acts of stupidity.  That gives the opportunity to make one look better.

  29. How could you ask if one was worse than the other?

    The answer is, neither of them, because they were only doing what people have been asking in here for a long time - bring back the biff!

    Cameron Ling is a weakling....most other players would have got up & continued playing!

  30. aaahhh, well solomon will get a saeson ban cos that was a badd and huge elbow that could of ruined a players career, he deserved to be banned for the season until rd.16 next year cos he could of ruined old lingys career and that should deserve a life ban. in barrys case,big bad barry has got a ten week for striking i think wakelin and the nasty blow 2 brent staker, you thought he would of learned his lesson but NO, hes still being an idiot and giving a nice clean blow to anyone he sees, in my case:

    Barry:94%    Dean soloman:99%

    the reason cos it was really dangerous and it looked pretty delibrate.But he did a good thing by apologizing in mark harvey the freos coach pressconference after the game and deano should be digraced with that performance

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