
Who is writing there eviction notices? lol?

by Guest64975  |  earlier

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I am 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant and my doc wants to induce me at 39 weeks...I want labor to start naturally so I am eagerly trying (almost) everything to jump start labor. I know I am not the only one. Since this needs to be a question, what have you ladies tried so far? I bought an excercise ball and have been rocking back and forth on it...I think its been bringing my little girl down, slowly but surely! Also, I just got done vacuuming my entire house, and that seemed to bring on contractions just a bit...Just a couple different ideas besides the standard....:)




  1. I don't have any personal experience because I am not quite there yet, but my mom went into labor with me mowing the yard.

  2. I am 38 wks today and wish my drs would induce me now!!! But my oldest daughter starts kindergarten tomorrow and I want to be there, so I am sure I will go into labor tonight lol.

    I've also done the vacuuming, plus laundry, cleaning everything, walking around wal-mart for 2 hrs lol. It's driving me nuts!!!

    Good luck to you! Hope you hurry and start!  

  3. LOL im right there with ya babe. I wrote mine around week 24 when I found out I was having a little prince ;-) I just got done cleaning our car inside and out, its like new lol. And i NEVER do that. Now I'm taking a break before tackling the house and dinner. I went walking around the mall for about 3 hours yesterday after my birthing class and that seemed to start those promiscuous little contractions that never stay for long. I'm praying i go into labor soon so I can see my husband for a few weeks. He left for overseas exactly 4 months ago today. Ugh.. I hope everything goes well for you with being induced. I have to say, even though I have heard it sucks, I am jealous lol. At least you have a for sure day, I'm still jumping at every little weird pain I have thinking its labor! ;-) GOOD LUCK and CONGRATS!!!

  4. Is there a valid medical reason for induction or is it just the "your baby is getting big" excuse? If there is really no reason to be induced, than don't. You are paying your doctor and you can be an active participant in your own care. If you have a low bishop's score than you are not ready to be induced and it will likely end in c-section.

  5. Have s*x. My water broke the next day at 38wks, I don't know for sure that it helped but it didn't hurt. I also took evening primrose oil orally and drank red raspberry leaf tea(not raspberry flavored, look in the health food section).

    Also do not let your doctor induce early. The c-section rate for induced labor before your body is ready is 46%, if you go into labor on your own it's only 8%.

  6. I'm with you chicki!! Shake em out!!! Bounce em out!!! Get em OUT!!!!

  7. Well I'm almost 38 weeks and have been trying some of the same things. I started using my excercise ball, rolling back and forth, have had s*x three times this weekend (i think that's about as much as we had all of the second trimester!), cleaning the house, walking around, at some jalapeno poppers for lunch :) I've been having contractions all day but nothing regular so I figure she's not ready. Sorry I don't have any answers as far "different" ideas but I just wanted to let you know you're not alone! I've heard pineapple but not sure if that works, also nipple stimulation but I've heard to be careful with that because it can sometimes cause very intense contractions. I don't want to have to be induced either so I know how you feel- Well hope things get started for you- are you dilated at all or any progress "down there"? Good luck hun! Not too much longer for our little girls to arrive!  

  8. My poor sons are counting the days until their baby brother gets here, I am only 32 1/2 wks right now lol but they so want their baby brother to be here.  For me though I start labor naturally and both my boys were born at 36 wks but I can tell you that once it all started the more I walked and the more orgasms I had the faster things changed for me and the exercise ball worked for me to help with contractions but that's it.  If your little one is heads down and right on the cervix just keep up what your doing including s*x, masturbation, lots and lots of walking, lots of cleaning especially if you are scrubbing floors on your hands and knees (my moms recommendation lol).  Just keep going and going as long as you can but make sure to rest some too and allow your body time to change things.  My mom cleaned her entire house, had s*x with my dad, took a walk around the neighborhood and then at the end of the day took a shower and went to bed then suddenly 3 hrs later her waterbroke and she was off to the hospital and I was born 3 hrs after that.  

  9. lol "eviction notices" - that is too cute!

    Good luck to you! ;]

  10. Put on your walking shoes and go for a long brisk walk.  The walking will help the baby drop, and will also cause your contractions to increase.  WARNING:  take a cell phone with you, because you may need to be out walking for an hour or two, but when the contractions start, you may need someone to come get you and take you to the hospital.  How do I know this?  I was taking a long walk with my son when my labor with my second child started ... so I just walked to the hospital (which was all of half a mile away).  

  11. Well, if I'm writting it, he's certainly ignoring it, as today is my EDD. I made a bet with a family member, she thinks he's coming today, I say nope, they will have to induce me. I figured since this whole time I have been saying he's going to come early and he hasn't if I bet against him coming out today he would surely show me wrong again. No such luck, lol! GL, one day we will both not be pregnant any day!

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