
Who is your Idea of the rightful ruler of the Byzantine Empire?

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Is it the Byzantines or the Ottoman Turks.... Lets go back to the fall of Constantinople.

I want opinions give me reasons too.




  1. BYZANTINE EMPIRE The Eastern Roman Empire emerged with the final division of Imperial responsibilities in 395 CE. While the Western Empire survived but a mere 81 more years before being broken apart by newly emerging Barbarian Kingdoms, the Eastern division endured for many centuries, by times huge and imposing, at other times small and powerless. Finally destroyed after the climactic Seige of Constantinople in 1453, the last Imperial House left a number of lines of succession, lines which follow quite surprising turns. Here are possible successions, based solely on genealogical inheritence. It must be emphasized that beyond the 16th century, none of the heirs mentioned herein would have been any more than dimly aware of the implications of their remote ancestry. Nevertheless...

    • Earlier Byzantine Empire


    • Constantine XI Dragases.......................1448-1453

    • Demetrius..............................

    • Andrew I......................................1...

    • Emanuel III...................................15...

    • Andrew II.....................................1... 1519

    • When the last of the Morean Paleologi died without issue, the nearest relative proved to be the Muscovite Princes, a fact which they were very well aware of, and which they remembered and utilized extensively until the end of the Russian monarchy in 1917.


    • Basil III (Prince of Muscovy)..............c. 1519-1533

    • John IX the Awesome (Tsar of all the Russias).1533-1584

    • Theodore (Tsar of all the Russias)............1584-1598

    • With the decease of Feodor Ivanovich, the main stemma of the Rurikovichi became entire extinct: genealogically, the next surviving Byzantine line can be found only by reaching back to a collateral branch established in Italy in the early 14th century. These Paleologi became Margraves of Montferrat, in the Piedmont - they became extinct in 1530, but through female heiresses their rights were inherited by the House of Gonzaga, Dukes of Mantua...


    • Vincent I (Duke of Mantua 1587-1612)..........1598-1612

    • Francis I (Duke of Mantua 1612)....................1612

    • Ferdinand I (Duke of Mantua 1612-1626)........1612-1626

    • Vincent II (Duke of Mantua 1626-1627).........1626-1627

    • Margaret...............................

    • Margaret married a Duke of Lorraine-Bar, and their daughter also married within the Lotharingian House of Vaudemont...


    • Claudia................................

    • Ferdinand Philip..............................1648...

    • Charles I (Duke of Lorraine)..................1659-1690

    • Leopold Joseph (D. Lorr. 1697-1702, 1714-29)..1690-1729

    • Francis Stephen (D. Lorr. 1729-37 HRE 1743-65)1729-1765

    • Francis married very well; to the sole heiress of all the Austrian Habsburgs, Maria Theresa of Austria-Hungary. Their descendents retained the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy until 1918, and remain a large and important family even today.

    • Habsburg-Lorraine

    • Joseph (HRE)..................................1...

    • Leopold (HRE).................................17...

    • Francis II (HRE 1792-1806, E. Aust. 1804-35)..1792-1835

    • Ferdinand II (Emp. Austria 1835-48)...........1835-1875

    • Francis Joseph (Emp. Austria 1848-1916).......1875-1916

    • Charles II (Emp. Austria 1916-1918)...........1916-1922

    • Otto...................................

    • As noted above, it is a supreme irony that the direct heir to the Holy Roman Emperors - the logical outgrowth of the Western Roman Empire, is also the distant heir, in a sense, to Constantine XI, last of the Eastern Roman Emperors.

    • The Latin Empire In addition to the Greek Empire described above, there existed for a time a Latin Empire at Constantinople, created when crusaders conquered the city in 1204. It was vanquished by the resurgent Greek state in 1261, but a continuing series of Western Europeans retained a putative claim on the Latin creation...

    • CAPET-Courtenay

    • Baldwin II....................................12... d. 1273

    • Philip I......................................1...

    • Catherine I...................................1283... with...

    • Capet-Valois

    • Charles I.....................................13... d. 1325

    • Catherine II..................................1313... with...

    • Capet-Anjou

    • Philip II.....................................1... and...

    • Robert II (Pr. of Taranto)....................1343-1364

    • Philip III....................................1...

    • DesBAUX

    • Jacques................................

    • CAPET-Artois

    • John I (Count of Eu)..........................1384-1387

    • Robert III (Count of Eu).................Apr.-July 1387

    • Philip IV (Count of Eu).......................1387-1397

    • Charles II (Count of Eu)......................1397-1472

    • John II (Count of Etampes)....................1472-1491

  2. The same basic people pretty much still live there. They went along with every conquest and kept living in the city. So the question is moot. And Turkey exists, the Byzantine Empire does not. So it is moot on those grounds as well.....

  3. The Byzantine Empire doesn't exist. So if you want I can nominate you, if you pick mine as the best answer. lol.

    The rightful ruler today, of lands that were once a part of the   Byzantine Empire, which included the state of Israel, is governments elected by people who live on them.

  4.   When the Ottomans took over the empire by conquering and

      capturing the city of Constantinople in 1453 the name given for the

    area was the Ottoman Empire Constantinople longer existed the

    city is now called Istanbul. It is a Turkish City not a Greek city. The

      "2nd Rome" is gone. If you are Russian you can claim that the 3rd

      Rome was/is Moscow.

      Before 1453 the greeks ruled after 1453 the Turks.


  5. The Byzantines..........why? I don't really have a very good reason but they were there first.

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