
Who is your LEAST favorite wife of Henry VIII?

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I've noticed that the general consensus for the favorite wife is Anne Boleyn.




  1. Well my favorite wife is definitely Anne Boleyn. But she was probably the least favorite to the English people in those times

    My least favorite wife would have to be Jane Seymour. I find her rather dull and unexciting.

  2. Actually Jim, King Henry had 6 wives, not 7. But I think the least favorite wife is Anne Boleyn because alot of the English people hated her and they didn't want her to be Queen. Also, she forced herself into power and alot of the English people didn't like that. I think the most favorite Queen was Jane Seymour because she produced King Henry's only son who was later King. Also, King Henry was said to love her the most and he was also buried beside her when he died.

  3. The favorite: Katherine, the first queen, the least favorite: Anne Boleyn, but then again she got what she gave didn't she?

  4. i am guessing the first 7

  5. Katherine Howard (the 5th one) is my least favorite; she actually was guilty of adultery, while Anne Boleyn probably was not. (Henry started planning to get rid of her almost as soon as Catherine died, and he married Jane Seymour the day after Anne Boleyn was executed.) If I had to be one of his wives, I would choose Anne of Cleeves.

  6. Catherine Howard also nicknamed "the rose without a thorn" by Henry VIII. Catherine's past history and, eventually, her marital conduct were known to be unchaste. She was young, uneducated, not very bright, and too naive compare to all of Henry other wives. When Catherine found her marital relations unappealing she started a secret romance with Henry's favourite male courtier. Less than a year into Catherine's marriage, the rumors of her infidelity began, and she didn't help matters much by appointing one of her admirers as her personal secretary. Catherine even confessed during her adultery trial that they had engaged in physical contact similar to sexual foreplay. She left no children, no works of literature or philosophy or art, and no lasting memorials.  She is mainly remembered for her ability to charm men of all ages, and for the short-lived pleasure and pain and of her brief time as Queen.

  7. Kathryn Howard sort of had it coming. I think she was the fifth one.

  8. Catherine Howard gets my nod as the Renaissance Brittany Spears, not having the sense to realize that she could have possibly survived if she admitted to consummating her relationship with Francis Dereham before her marriage to Henry VIII.  Admitting to a hand-fasting type of  prenuptial contract could have possibly saved her from the charge of adultery and a death sentence, although there really was no excuse for her dalliance with Thomas Culpepper.  

    Of course, apart from her family's ambition to get back in the King's good graces, what would draw an 18-year-old to a marriage with a 300-pound man thirty-years her senior with a putrid, ulcerated leg.  I've just finised reading C. J. Sansom's "Soverign," and Katherine comes across as a dim-witted bimbo, but I nevertheless recommend the fictionalized account of Henry VIII's progress to Yorkshire in 1541.

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