
Who is your Y!A crush????????

by  |  earlier

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cmon ppl its not supposed to be taken so seriously




  1. i dont have crush on yahoo i have a very cute boyfreind named jamie

  2. well I dont have one.....

    what? I seriously dont....I have on girl.,ikay, rachel, lifes a beach, squirrel, rainbow recruiter....they are all innonecent

  3. haha


  4. Well you seem kind of sweet! *blush* =P Oh, I like the posts and avatars of several people, and I like them for all different reasons. Rainbow recruiter has sweeet lips. ;) lol (seriously) When people post enough their true personalities and characters filter through to the point one can kinda-sorta tell how in real life they really are. I like the compassionate, intelligent, witty and genuine-seeming ones the best.


  5. bahh everyone likes Grrr.

    and macabre.

    yeah i really hope people dont read this hahaha

  6. If I was to name"Them" my other fans/contacts would be hurt, so since I'm not here to hurt other people's feelings. I shall plead the fifth(might drink it to!).

    I like you all equally!

  7. Brendon. Haven't seen him in a while.

  8. xXxCupcakexXx whoah ive never been mentioned in one of these :) thank you!

    yea grrrr of course :)

    and nichole! what a charmer lol


  10. Lol. I have a few people, but most of them I just like...A LOT...they arent really crushes.

    I do have lotsa freinds too tho like rainbow recruiter said. :)

  11. i dont really have a crush on anyone but out of everyone here i think your avatar is the cutest.

  12. :O!

    the guy that said my screen name is my y!a crush.

    how crazy.


  13. Its you, silly. You are my Y!A crush ;)

    Why? You look so cute and cuddly :P

    And your personality fits it :D

    <3 Ironic

  14. awe, well no crushes here but i do have good friends like you, grrr! and cousin chopstix.  

  15. Secret.

    But I bet all the money in the world she doesn't like me back.


  16. erik bo berik lol

  17. it's sorta a crush buttt

    grrr!!! needs a hug

    idk why she seems cool

  18. I'm too old for

    all you little


  19. some guy i saw at pac sun he had a lip piercing and medium black hair

  20. you... im probably to late though, smile

  21. I guess a lot, just check out my contacts. They are awesome aren't they?  

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