
Who is your childhood hero?

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My Father




  1. Data from Star Trek

  2. my grandfather!

  3. superman and bruce lee

  4. My father. He's still my hero, now that I'm an adult. It's hard watching him get old and he's been diagnosed with a very rare terminal illness. the Drs. gave him 6 months. That was 2 years ago and he's still kicking around.

    That's my dad...

  5. i no its corny but my mum and dad are my childhood heroes. simply because their amazing. my mum was 16 when she got pregnant to my dad with my older sister. and no one helped them as a matter of fact my nanna kicked my mum out of the house when she found out the news. now they have 4 children to the same man and is still with him, a nice big house which they own and they go away 3 times a year. they have come from having nothing to have the most precious riches in the world.

  6. Sailor Moon, hee hee hee!

  7. My Dad, who I imagined was really Superman or Batman because he dressed like Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne, and always saved the day.

    He is still my hero. He died two and a half years ago, and I miss him immensely. He was my friend, my confidante, my business partner, my mentor, and the best Dad anyone could want. He encouraged all his kids to do what made them happy, and supported us in our dreams, held our hands in the bad times, and always had a story to tell that put things in perspective. He lived the American dream, to rise from the worst poverty I could imagine, studying and working hard to achieve a better life for his family. He owned clothing stores, and taught us how to run a business in his little daily lessons as kids. He was a kind, gentle, and very wise man, and I miss him every day. He gave us an oak tree from his yard, a little five year old oak, and planted it on our property. It is my little spot to still go and talk with him. Its now about 11 years old, and the branches are strong, it provides shade and beauty, and is a great little meditation spot. When I feel the branches, its like holding his hand again in a way. He lives on in all our hearts and minds.  

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