
Who is your fave Wrock Band?

by Guest65691  |  earlier

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loleh! I like Draco and the Malfoys! =P




  1. KISS, Metallica, Pink Floyd,AC/Dc

  2. I love wizard rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my absolute fav is The Remus Lupins, but i am also a fan of the moaning myrtles, roonil wazlib, the whomping willows, and................... pottercast! <<<ok thats not wrock but i do love pottercast. peace and potter!

  3. I am thinking that people answering this don't realize that you mean Wizard Rock.  I don't have a favorite, as I don't listen to it (except when I was in charge of making a playlist for the Deathly Hallows release party at our local bookstore).

    Incidentally, this really does not belong in the Books and Authors section.

    If you are looking for Wizard Rock for your party, go to Myspace and search Wizard Rock.  There are a ton of bands.

  4. Abba Cadabra., I made that one up.

    Wizard? No, they're real.

    The Magic Numbers? No, they're real also. Dammit.

  5. Motorhead, Turisas, Manowar, Iron Maiden, Mettalica, Slade.

    they are my favourites

  6. The Killers


  7. That's hard to say... my favorite usually goes in cycles - for a couple months I'll have a band or album that I'll listen to constantly, then move on to another one. But some of my tops are:

    Harry and the Potters: First wrock band I heard, first wrock band ever, actually (No, the Switchblade Kittens do not count. They made the first wrock song, yes. But they were not the first mutually exclusive wrock band). There are only two or three HatP songs that I actively dislike. "Power of Love" is a great album, and last year's EP was fun.

    Remus Lupins: Because sometimes you have to go lookin' for trouble. I actually didn't like the newest album that much - it had some fun stuff, but about 3/4ths of it is entirely forgettable. My favorite album by them is definitely "I Was A Teenage Werewolf". Most of the songs are great, like "Rita Skeeter", and "By Your Side" and etc.

    Whomping Willows: I like all of their albums, though their second and third are more accessible. Also, they released a rock n roll redux of the second album, and that's a lot of fun, hearing "Wizard Rock Heartthrob" rocking out the way it was meant to be. But "III" is a really good album, from power tunes like "Bad Case of the Voldies" to filks like "Ginny Is a Punk Rocker" and the great "Hey Remus", to the final installment of his Hermione trilogy of songs, that includes a guest vocalist, and they surprisingly good secret bonus track - "Fang, Stop Peeing On My Trunk".

    Draco and the Malfoys: I haven't heard enough DatM, but I like what I hear. "My Dad Is Rich" and "The Power of Love" are classics.

    Now for the slightly more obscure ones:

    Moaning Myrtles: Talented, peppy, and with a fun sarcastic bite that really fits Myrtle, despite many of their songs being much more jaunty than anything Myrtle would play or listen to. Also, great piano skills.

    Ministry of Magic: I picked up their first album, and I love it. Almost all the songs are great, from "The Hero" to "Meet Me on Diagon Alley" to the very wicked and fun "Marauders Map". They have a great blend of multiple-part vocals, techno, and hip-hop beats, but keep it poppy and rocky.

    Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls: You have to love "The Hallows" and "End of an Era". It's the law or something.

    The Weasel King: His music is awesome, and it's free. LISTEN TO HIM NOW. Especially "Instigators".

    Really less known:

    Alas Earwax!: Sadly, just went on hiatus for two years to go checking all the doors of the world to make sure they slam properly, but their MySpace is still up, with some great music. They have some of the funniest wrock songs out there, like "There's a Face on the Back Of My Head" (a campfire sing-along), and a rap that summarizes the first six books in under one minute. If you can, buy his new album! I really hope it gets on iTunes at somepoint...

    Wrackspurt!: They have fun, techno-infused songs, with Nate the nargle as a vocalist harmonizing with a human. Thry don't have too many songs up, but they're pretty fun. Check out "Ollie Won't You".

    Peeved: It's actually music about Percy Weasely, not a poultergeist. Jack from Peeved writes very bouncy piano ballads, as well as an absolutely hilarious western ballad called "Expelliarmus Kid". He's got some pretty funny music videos on youtube as well.

    Fawkes: Many people know that Big Whompy's hidden love is rap, but Fawkes is definitely the best wrap group out there. They're new, but if you like Harry Potter and rap, you owe it to yourself to check them out. Ironically, the current top song on their player is their worst - it's not really bad, but it's really more of a set-up to the awesome part 2. Once you listen to "Broomsticks and Apparations" and "I Play With Spiders", you'll have the choruses stuck in your head for days.

    "Aww, yeah, I'm Rubeus,

    I'm the bearded giant dude, so don't mess with this!

    I play with spiders, homes,

    You touch my bike, Beaky break yo bones!"

    Be warned, there is some profanity in "I Play With Spiders" and "Flying Cars".

    Danny Dementor: One of the older wrap groups, Danny D pumps out some pretty good tunes. Check out "The Fallen" - it's a rap over an acoustic guitar, that works out really well.

    Buckbeak's Flight: He's new, and he's from Australia, but he's really good. There are some technical problems in his tracks, but the songs are so surprisingly good for someone of his age and experience that you won't notice. "Wings of Me" and "NC-17" are not to be missed.

    The Basilisk In Your Pasta: They're so French, listening to them will turn your head into a baguette. But they're really good. Check out classics "Voldemort, Peace Off" and "Bad Guy".

    Luna Wants A Long Bottom: My favorite song was unfortunately taken off their page recently, but "Neville Longbottom" is still pretty good. Check this British group out - I expect great things from them, Mr. Potter.

    Essence of Dittany: Lastly, this group recently released a free EP of some great atmospheric haunting techno tunes. Check out "Dance of the Grindylows".

    There are plenty of other bands, like Snidget (who uses a HAMMERED DULCIMER!) and RiddleTM that I don't have time to get into. Oh, and the Parlsemouths, whom everyone loves, but I don't as much for some reason. They're pretty good, but not exactly my taste. Still, if you're into pop, check them out, you'll probably like them.

    Well, THIS was certainly long. You probably didn't expect this giant wall of text, but I hope this answers your question, and hopefully introduced you to a few new wizard rock bands!

    P.S. I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting a mjor one, but I can't seem to dredge the name up.


    Talons and Tea Leaves: I'm tired, and my fingers are sore, but I will just tell you to check this band out. NOW. The music is free, and it rocks. (yawn) Go... listen... now.... zzzz....

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