
Who is your favorit jazz player?

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you know utah jazz. like williams, boozer, miles, kirilenko.





  2. deron williams hands down is the best/ favorite utah jazz player, carlos boozer is also a pure beast

    boozer was a 2nd round pick and the cleveland lebrons gave him up to the jazz, not knowing that his full potential would allow him to become an all-star and one of the best PF/C in the league

    boozer puts up some pretty crazy stats sometimes, like 40 points and 15 rebounds

    but unfortunatley, deron williams is the **** and the best

  3. i like deron williams, hes good

  4. paul millsap!

    but stockton and malone all-time

  5. Jeff golub great jazz player>

  6. John Stockton

  7. John Stockton. all time assist and steals leader and the last player to rep the short shorts

  8. Deron Williams just like what the rest said.

  9. deron williams

  10. Deron Williams by far...this dude is becoming a stud, in a cpl years will be considered one of the top 3 point guards in the league (if he isnt already) he has a sweet handle and sweet stroke, but the most important thing is his basketball knowledge, he always makes the right play at the right time, he knows when to pass and when to score!

  11. Deron Williams :D

  12. Deron williams...

    great team,great point guard,great chemistry,great basketball...

  13. deron williams all the way!!!!

  14. ronnie brewer

  15. The best Jazz player is Deron Williams, no question.  However, my favorite player is Paul Millsap.  He plays so hard, and he does the dirty work that Okur and Boozer won't do.  He's a pretty wicked shot-blocker for a 6-foot-8 power forward, and he could easily grab 12-15 rebounds a game if he played starter minutes.  He's one of the best all-time Jazz draft picks.

  16. I really really dislike the Jazz but if I was to pick a favorite player from the team I'd say Williams, I think he's got game, talent, and major skills.

  17. I have to say the whole team. Here is some of the reasons of the players. Deron Williams is great i am glad that he got resigned and made the Olympic team. Kyle Korver is great i love the three pointers, Matt Harpring great defense C J Miles is improving Paul Milsap what a great player expecially his first year here in Utah. Carols Boozer he is great and made the Olympics i only wish that he would play well all of the time. The new player Kosta Koufous he looked great in the Rocky Mountain Revue.  Oh and don't forget Jerry Sloan and his staff what a great coach and the Jazz would not be where they are without him. Those are just some i like the whole team i can just see it now 2009 NBA CHAMPIONS UTAH JAZZ.

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