
Who is your favorite AND least favorite Harry Potter character and why??

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Besides Harry, of course! I just finished reading the whole series and I'm so sad and heartbroken that its over! So, who is your favorite AND least favorite character from the series?




  1. My favorite character is Luna Lovegood. She's strange and hard to figure out, and I forgot to mention just plain, outright weird, like me!

    My least favorite that's a hard one. Probably one of the Dursleys since they were so mean to Harry. Or, of course, Voldemort! He caused all the misery in Harry's life, but then again, if he didn't do all those bad stuff, there wouldn't even be any Harry Potter books. So, I can't hate on Voldemort. I'll just hate on Vernon Dursley.

  2. Favorite - Voldemort. Anyone that can raise an army liek that is badass. Plus, the leaders of the magical community were morons because their government was more or less based off the british government(the gov was able to see just about everythign Harry did[like fire magic when he wasn't suppossed to], similar to how the Brits can track cars and such through cameras), and Voldemort was the only one offering a change at the time.

    Least Favorite - Harry Potter. I don't care if you said not to list him, I am because he is an eotional moron. He's liek "oh, waaa, I'm going to sit and spend my life sitting in front of this mirror looking at a picture that shows someone I don't even remember meeting until Dumbledore has to pry me away from it" in the first part fo the series, and later on he's like "oh, poor me, I'm going to be an *** to my friends because I think I can do it all by myself". Emo q***r.

  3. i like Hermione because she is so smart and I heard that she is going to be marrying Ron in the 8th book right well I'm not sure

  4. this is a really hard question. harder than I thought it would be...

    because honestly, there are 7 books!!! i do have a favorite and least favorite in each book based in whatever happens in the story.

    so it's very hard to pick only one of each. but i'll try.

    the easiest one is the least favorite. didn't have to think to much about it!

    my least favorite has to be Peter petigrew. Not only because he betraied Lily and James Potter... but because he is sucha poor, stupid character. all the characters have something good! something kind of special about them. Even voldemort... like Olivander always said. he did terrible things... but they were extraordinary. Even the death eaters, even in all their "evilness" they were interesting characters, with interesting characteristics.

    Peter Petigrew was just stupid... he was just nothing. he had to be with someone... to be less invisible. there was just nothing exceptional about him. Ok! in the end he tried to do the right thing about Harry because he was in debt with him, but still... in my opinion this was not enough to redeem this sad little man.

    Now my favorite... i first thought about Luna,.. Luna is amazing... she is funny, and she always says the right thing at the right time...

    but then... i thought better and my favorite is Molly Weasley.

    the way she embraced harry as if he was her own son is amazing.

    this may sound stupid and corny to a lot of people but if you analyze the situation...Molly gave harry the only opportunity he ever had to really know what is to be part of a real family.

    It didn't matter if harry was like a "targeted" man and if her family was at risk by sheltering him. they always received harry in their house with opened arms.

    Molly even gave harry her brother's watch... not just sharing with him a heirloom but also keeping the wizardry tradition... making sure harry would experience that.

    and besides... she is a great witch!!! and... she killed bellatrix!!! that alone makes her my all time favorite!!!

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