
Who is your favorite MLB manager and why?

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Either a current manager or a manager of the past.




  1. Joe Torre. But then again, I'm partial to the Yankees.

  2. Lou Pinella cuz he manages the best team

  3. Tony LaRussa.  He is the smartest manager you will ever hear from when listening to a press conference.  He changes the rules, doesnt go by the book, and it all works.  By putting the pitcher in the 8th spot, he redefined the way managers arrange their lineup.  He will break the record for the most lineups arranged differently in a season.  He can work with veterans, and can work with rookies, hes just a fantastic manager.

  4. Cito Gaston. No doubt he is a great manager.. Heck when the jays had John gibbons they were going down like dere record was like 10 games below 500 and now

    slowly they r getting better than Red sox and yanks..we r winning in blowouts ever since he came back. a great manager!

  5. I admire TLR for the way he's taken teams with little talent (2006 and this year, for example) and made them winners.

  6. 1. Mike Scioscia - the best there is right now. Always has his team ready to play.

    2. Joe Torre - I actually respected the Yankees when he was there. Class act all the way.

    3. Lou Piniella - I'm a Mariners fan and Lou was at the helm for every successful season in franchise history. And nobody throws a tantrum quite like Lou does.

    Historically: Connie Mack - all managers should still wear suits; Sparky Anderson (before the Mariners joined MLB in 1977, my first favourite team was the Big Red Machine)

  7. I'm a die hard Cubs fan, but in my opinion, LaRussa is one of the all-time greats. Excellent manager with a real knack and passion for the game of baseball. You don't find many like him.

  8. All time - Walt Alston - greatest manager in Dodger history, led them to World Championships in 1955, 1959, 1963, and 1965.

    Current - Mike Scioscia - greatest manager in Angel history, led them to WS title in 2002, and helped build a great organization keeping them a top contender every year, and giving them a great shot at the title this year.

    Honorable mention - Tony LaRussa - not just a great manager, but a great person and humanitarian who has donated millions of dollars to charity and established the Tony La Russa Animal Rescue Foundation, which saves abandoned and injured animals as well as running programs to bring dog and cat visits to abused children, hospital patients, seniors and shut-ins.  

  9. Casey Stengel.  Not only did he manage a team that established the concept of a baseball dynasty, the Yankees of the 1940's and 1950's, winning 10 pennants in 12 seasons, with 5 consecutive world championships, he revived the lost art of platooning and used it to great advantage.  Late in his career he came back to manage the lowly Mets after the NL's 1962 expansion and proceeded to make a bad team interesting and enjoyable to watch.  His book, "Can't Anybody Here Play This Game" is a terrific account of those Mets early years.

  10. Dallas Green... The only manager to lead the Phillies to a championship(1980)

  11. Lou Piniella.  He managed the Mariners to more than one great season.  The best was the record setting 116 games.  (We miss him!)

    Joe Torre.  East Coast, West Coast, it does not matter, he is one of the best.

    Tommy Lasorda:  Led the L.A. Dodgers to a lot of good seasons.

    Mike Scioscia:  Angels finally won  the World Series with him at the helm and look at them now.

  12. I third Cito Gaston. I don't even like Toronto, but he is a great manager. Bobby Cox is my second favourite, once again I don't like Toronto.

  13. Cito Gaston. He has really turned the team around and if he started we would be much closer to the number one spot in the Al east and wild card if not their. Plus he also led the Jays to 2 previous world series.. Back to back.

  14. Currently, gotta admit, much as I don't like the Cardinals, gotta go with Tony LaRussa. Greatly knowledgeable and always seems to get the most from his players. Frustrating guy to play against. He is almost like another team unto himself (Brewers Fan)

  15. Terry Francona. He brought the Red Sox up from 3-0 in 2004 and won the world series. Then in 2007 he brought them from a 3-1 deficit and won the world series. He makes good decisions and always has faith in all of his players. He has to be one of the best managers in all of baseball

  16. Joe Madden and what he has done in his first year to have the Rays go from last place to first place and still maintaining it.

  17. Tony La Russa. The way he manages is just amazing. He analyzes every single situation and uses that each and every game. I'm sure he's ready for any situation in a ballgame.

  18. Bobby Cox. He brought winning as a common word in Atlanta. With the injuries and all, he still won a couple of division championships. He is the leader in ejections which makes you believe he is passionate about his team and baseball.  He is going to the HALL OF FAME!

  19. Mike Scioscia.

  20. As an Orioles fan, I have to go with Earl Weaver.

  21. Ozzie Guillen is my favorite MLB manager. I think he does a GREAT job at managing the White Sox. Unlike other managers, Ozzie takes the blame for when things aren't going well for his team. He might say, "Our pitching stinks" or "We can't hit the ball to save our lives" and sure enough, he makes sure his players go out there and correct their mistakes. Ozzie seriously knows what he's doing as he guided the White Sox to the WS Title in 2005 and hopefully he will lead his team back to the postseason this year.

    I also like the way Ozzie handles himself with the media. He really likes to express his emotions and can be colorful at times. If the media asks Ozzie about what his team needs to do better, you better believe Ozzie will tell you what it is and how the Sox need to improve. Ozzie also defends his players especially when he argues calls during a game. You don't see a ton of managers come out and argue for the sake of their players if an umpire missed a call.  

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