
Who is your favorite character for.....?

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Family Guy, and 3 reasons why.

Mine is Stewie, because he is funny, so evil, and yet acts like a little kid sometimes, still =)




  1. Peter

    He's so stupid, he reminds me of my sister

    His laugh


  2. Hands down, it's Brian.

    He can quote shakespeare, out-drink Peter, and can somehow date beautiful women despite the difference in species.

    "What can I say?  ...I like the sauce."

  3. I hate that show... so I would have to go with none.

    *can feel the thumbs down coming*

  4. Peter... because he's fat, sings the funniest songs, and is friends with Death.

  5. I like the Old Pervert

    Because he sings songs...

    Whistles when he talks...

    And reminds me of grandpa....  O_O

  6. Mine is Stewie too, because he is funny, so evil, and yet acts like a little kid sometimes, still  =)

  7. there all funny. but peters the one who makes me laugh the most.

  8. mine is stewie too!

    because he's cute, funny, and evil

  9. Mine is stewie too!

    And those reasons aswell!

    that's exactly why i love him!



  10. I think mine is Brian, because he's usually really funny, but he's really sensible, and sometimes he does dog-like things like be afraid of the vaccuum and chase balls, haha


  11. my favorite character is peter,

    1.)cuz he might be the only reason i  watch family guy almost everyday

    2.)hes the funniest character in the show

    3.)he makes my day and makes me laugh up my dinner

  12. Stewie because...

    ~he has an accent

    ~he has a broad vocabulary (for a toddler!!)

    ~hes just soooo fricken hilarious!!!!! :D

  13. It's hard to say, I like them all. Well except Meg!  

  14. Mine is Peter. That guy is a riot all the time. His ignorance is bliss to him. He always has a story or a stupid clever rebuttal for everything.

  15. Stewie. He's hilarious. The things that programme come up with are genius!! My 3 reasons: He's overly sarcastic. Always takes the pee. And looks cute haa :)

  16. Stewie

    Hilarious! LoL funny!

    He has a weird british accent and hes only supposed to be 2 yrs. old! LoL


    He makes up the funniest schemes!

  17. Hands down Stewie! he's everything the Griffin family isnt - intellectual, evil, and cute!!

    Not that I dont like the other members of the family, but he just carries a big contrast! and dude can he sing =D lol

    He's awesome, his balance of immaturity and maturity, wow. xD just love him <3

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