
Who is your favorite college basketball player?

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Who is your favorite college basketball player?




  1. Stephen Curry. He'll be in the pros by next year.

  2. (1)  Jru Holliday

    (2)  Stephon Curry

    (3)  Patrick Patterson


  3. Taj Gibson

  4. my favor ate college basketball is James Yap, because he was give a big game every time his playing for his team

  5. stephen curry

    and for da girls

    it was candace parker

    so hot

    but now she is in da wnba

  6. Tyler "Psycho T" Hansbrough

  7. well it used 2 b

    Miacheal Beasley and Chris Douglas-Roberts and O.J. Mayo

    but now they're all pro so i guess ima hve 2 say idk yet

  8. Tyler Hansbrough and Stephen Curry. =)

  9. tyler hansbrough or ty law

  10. Beas Hamga when he starts playing for the Rebels next season.

  11. Candice Wiggins but she is playing in W.N.B.A this comin year

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