
Who is your favorite family guy charater just the name?

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i dont know who my favorite is




  1. Stewie and Brian

  2. Quagmire, He's my hero

    Giggity-Giggity OHH Righttt

  3. Meg.. She always gets picked on

    Funny funny

  4. I hate that show! especially that baby with the freaky voice!

  5. I ♥ them all but peter is my fave

  6. quagmire ;) lol jokes jokes

    STEWIE all tha way,,

  7. all of them. everyone is probably going to say stewie. but i think i like quagmire best. hes hilarious

  8. Quagmire...giggity giggity!

  9. I like the Stewie & Brian duo personally.

  10. Brian

  11. STEWIE!!!!!!!!!

  12. Peter, he's always hilarious!

  13. stewie

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