
Who is your favorite on Jon and Kate plus Eight?

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My favorite is Hannah because she reminds me so much of my daughter. She is the helper, smart, they call her their "four year old" because she acts the most mature.I love Leah too, so small and petite and cute. Collin is my favorite boy and Cara is a good girl.

Who is your favorite and why?

My favorite show!

Kate is a good Mom!




  1. Aiden is definitely my favorite boy, and I also love Leah and Alexis. I love that show. They are all so cute.  

  2. I love Hannah, she's the cutest! And Joel is my favourite boy, since he's such a daddies boy.  

  3. I like Jon!  He puts up with Kate! I love that show!  :)

  4. yes Kate is a very good mom.  In fact she gave me a good idea today on helping learning to write.  I liked the whole dot marker thingy.  I am definitely getting something like that the next time im in wal mart

  5. I have never seen this show. When is it on and what station? So many people on here talk about the show I'd like to check it out.

    Is it a reality, like are they a real family or is it jut a show like the Waltons?

  6. I like Aidan and Mady. Aidan looks so cute in his glasses, and is so sensitive. Mady is the free spirited one, and says the funniest things sometimes!  

  7. Collin (he looks just like my nephew Spencer)and Leah

    It's great to see people that actually have good parenting skills.

  8. kate is a BAD mom...she slaps jon, degrades him, is not nice, and shows the children that it's ok to disrespect daddy and other men in their lives...bad, bad, bad...  

  9. aww I love them all

    I guess my favorite is Aaden..I love his little glasses and he's just so cute! I like Leah and Alexis, too.  I don't know. I don't think I have a favorite...they are all so cute!!  It's like my favorite show.

  10. I like them all because they all have their own identities.  Jon And Kate are doing a great job and I would not be able to do it for 1 hour.  But, I have to admit Collin is so adorable and he really concentrates on whatever draws his attention. :)

  11. My least favorites are Joel and Maddy because they are whiny. I like Cara and all the other sextuplets. I think Kate is a good mom too. I am amazed by how well she keeps things organized with eight kids. I love the show, and really I love all the kids. I just see Kate working so hard and it seems as though Maddy is never happy.  

  12. I love that show! I agree with you - Kate is a very good mom. My favorite would probably have to be Hannah also cuz she is sooo cute! : ) My favorite boy is Aadan. I watch this show all the time and it helps me not to sleep in so late in the morning - lol! Jon and Kate are such good parents and they are so good together. I love how they take their kids to different places like Utah (that was cool when they took ski lessons) and I liked when the boys went with Jon to the gym and the girls went with Kate to paint pottery. They are a great family! I'm actually watching it right now - lol! It's the one where Jon makes a traditional Korean meal.  : )

    Love that show!

  13. i like jon

  14. collin is my favorite he has the cutest little face ever. Although he does have some anger problems. but he is cute. and my favorite girl is Hannah. 1 because that is my name. and she is soooo sweet. She helps a lot to.

    SO that is who i like. oh and i love kate she is an awesome mom

  15. actually my husband will watch the show with me and he thinks jon is hilarious! i like leah because she's just so darn cute and i loved alexis one the special day episode where she saw the alligator!  

  16. I love this show!!!! Hannah acts so mature and is very motherly. Aaden is so smart and the glasses are just too cute! And the twins are so different but you rarely see them apart when they are at home playing. Jon and Kate are doing such a great job a parents. Ok, in all reality they're all my favorite!

  17. I like watching the show but I don't know who is who! I was just watching it today with my kids lol I love babies!

  18. I also have a favorite based on my children. My 6 year old daughter is like Hannah because she is so helpful and mature. My 2 year old daughter is like Alexis because she is wild and loves animals. I think my son will be like Joel, quiet but noticable.

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