
Who is your favorite player and why?

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mine is Valtteri Filppula from the Detroit Red Wings. Hes got great skills for his young age, and is a great team player. he continues to get good chances, and playing even better now in the finals. he creates good chances, and has a great view of the ice. for it only being his second season, i think he is doing amazing. and getting help from datsyuk is super(: and also, i think hes awefully cute. haha

so, whattaa 'bout you?




  1. mines a three way tie with crosby jordan staal and lucic. yes ive met all. none have won the  cup yet.

  2. manny legace because he is a great goalie for the blues

    i have never met him but im going to try to

  3. Current: Joe Sakic - He knows how to lead a team to victory,he's a great player and has always been one of my favorite players ever.The way he moves the puck and his wrist shot is probably one of the best ever.

    Second question:Yes,Sakic has been to the finals twice and won the cup twice.

    All time: Mark Messier -

    imo the greatest leader in NHL history (maybe even the best in professional sports).He had a great shot,played very well defensivley,never backed down,played for a LONG time,he was clutch and finally he gave my team the stanley cup which ended there 54 year drought.

    Second question: Yes,Mark messier was in the finals 7 times,winning 6 stanley cups.

  4. Johnathan Toews. He is going to be a great player. He has many great attributes. The greatest attribute he has is his wrist shot.

  5. Pavel Datsyuk, no doubt. The guy is the best 2 way player in the league!

    He's electrifying and he's no longer a playoff under-performer.

  6. My favorite is Brian Gionta, because I really respect his hard work, persistence, and dedication. In college, his coach told him that he better get an education because he wasn't going to make it in hockey because of his size. And you know what, he made it, and in the 2005-2006 season he broke the Devils' record (previously held by Pat Verbeek for most goals scored on the team) with 48 goals. Gionta also played all 82 games, and he never takes a night off. Every game, he gets beat up because of his size, but he doesn't take c**p from anyone.

    So I respect the hard work he put into hockey to make it to the NHL, despite what everyone told him, and the fact that he can stick up for himself and doesn't take anything from anyone. Gionta even sticks up for his bigger, tougher teammates, even though he's the smallest player in the NHL. Not only that, but he's a pretty d**n good player too.

    I've met him a few times at Devils' practices, and he's probably the nicest player I have ever met.  He signs and takes pictures with everyone regardless if there are 5 people or 50 people who want his autograph.  One time, Gionta was driving away when this boy's mom called Gionta's name, and he stopped his car so that he could sign the little boy's card.  I doubt many other players would do that.

    The first time I met him in 2003 I got my picture taken with him, and he signed my puck.  He was so nice to me that day that it pretty much sealed the deal that he would be my favorite player forever.

    Gionta won the cup in 2003 with the Devils :-)

  7. Brad Richards of the Dallas Stars

    I like him since he was in Tampa Bay and I couldn't have been happier when he joined my favorite team.

    Met Him: NO

    Won Cup: Yes with Tampa Bay

    Finals; Yes with Tampa Bay

  8. Jarkko Ruutu...He's my fav because he's a different player, he has skill, but not as much as others...also because of the humor he brings to the ice...the man cracks me up...and of course how he can really knock people around.  I've got a lot of respect for the man.

  9. Datsyuk.  The stuff he can do with the puck is incredible.  I have at least 5 videos favorited on youtube of just him working his magic.

  10. My favorite player today is Marian Gaborik...its hard to find a more exciting player.

    My favorite player of yesterday is Gretsky for sure and maybe Pavel Bure'.

  11. patrick sharp! just because he's awesome and the first game i ever went to, he scored, shorthanded.

    And i have gotten to meet him! that was a great day...

  12. Sidney Crosby.  He's just so amazingly FUN to watch.  He makes the most beautiful plays / passes / goals!!  Not to mention he's intelligent and a HOTTIE!!  Ruutu is a close 2nd favorite because he "takes care of business" and he's smart about it (I think he's hot too)!!

    But I'm nothing close to a "Puck Bunny" (I do understand and follow hockey; not just the players)!!

  13. Jarome Iginla....he's a great leader and is one of the main reasons why the Flames are back in the playoffs the past four years after a lengthy absence in the late 90s to early 2000s

  14. Joe Sakic, He has always been the leader of his team. Leading by example!

  15. Jordan Staal

    He is good at scoring short handed goals and i would love to see him develope into a great player when he gets older like his brothers :]

    Let's go pens

    win the cup

  16. Colton Orr.  If you don't know who he is, go to

    i'll wait....

  17. Sidney Crosby because he's got skill! Go Pens!!!

  18. Sergei Gonchar,

    I've been watching him for a long time, he's an amazing player.

    And he is a very underrated defense men in the NHL.

    He is also a great guy off the ice, I heard so many great stories about him,

    I have a lot of respect for him.

  19. Currently I waver between Holmstrom and Osgood, all time, Yzerman without question.  Go Wings.

  20. Gordie Howe.

  21. Patrick Kane hes just amazing yes ive met him no and no to the other questions

  22. Daniel Alfredsson. He's played with the Ottawa Senators his whole career, he's a great captain, great goal scorer, awesome deker, and overall an amazing player.

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