
Who is your favorite race horse of the 70's ?

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it can be filly or colt which ever was ur favorite.

mine would have to be Ruffian. ;)




  1. Mine would also have to be Ruffian! Since I saw the movie, I fell in love with the little filly! I have read the book this past summer and would find it incredible to visit her grave at Belmont Park. RUFFIAN ROCKS!!!!!

  2. Alot of people will say Secretariat! I loved Secretariat! I also love Ruffian (as for fillies)! Also, Seattle Slew wasn't bad either!

  3. Spectacular Bid!

    It’s a shame he stepped on that nail just before the Belmont. He was a shoo-in for the Triple Crown (and he’d still be the most recent).

  4. since i was born in 79 i missed out on this great era in racing.  but ya watching Secreteriat in the belmont still sends shivers down my spine.  it has to be considered one of the greatest feats in sports history. i live on long island so i go to belmont frequently and ive seen many a horse just wilt down the stretch in the stakes cough smarty jones cough but secreteriat looked like he could go on for another lap. amazing.

  5. Secretariat...  he was from another world.  His record for the Belmont still stands as the WORLD record - not track, not USA - the WORLD.  31 lengths, 2 minutes 24 seconds and he actually got faster as the race progressed.  That is totally insane and virtually unheard of.

  6. it has to be red rum . winning 3 grand nationals and coming 2nd twice.

  7. I'd like to put in a good word for the less widely known Ack Ack, the 1971 Horse of the Year.

  8. one of if not my favorite horse of any period was the great Dr. Fager one of the top handicap horses of all time he is still the only horse to have held four titles in a year, champion sprinter, champion grass horse, champion handicap horse, and Horse of the Year (68) ...ran what was is still a world  record of 1:32 and change for a mile on dirt with 134 pounds on his back, and his three losses were to Successor a Juvenile champion (while he was still green) Damascus (a champion horse of the year) and Buckpasser (also a champion horse of the year)... strictly in the 70s I can never forget seeing Secretariat win the Belmont by those 31 lengths (I realize that the track was rolled hard to favor speed and that a number of track records were run in the last two weeks prior to that Belmont by other horses but it was fun to see) also had to be considered GOAT (greatest of all time by many)...I enjoyed the story about Ruffian and while her career was brilliant she didnt last long enough to make a real mark in my mind, just as Barbaro was also nice to see Seattle Slew win the triple crown and have a successful career...

  9. courgar 2nd.....was a grass horse, who always came from last place

    for a exciting stretch run....jockey was bill shoemarker wore solid

    red silks..trainer was charlie whittingham

  10. There are quite a few great ones, but I'd have to say Alydar.

  11. Secretariat, who not only won the Triple Crown but set records in each.  Also, in his only turf race, he set a record.

    The 1st Marlboro cup was set up as a showcase for him.  There is much more evidence but I think the aforementioned is more than sufficient.

  12. That was quite an era in racing wasn't it?  3 Triple Crown winners and countless other fantastic horses.

    But I'm going to agree with you...  Ruffian is not just my favorite horse of the 70s, but my all-time favorite horse.  She was fast, tall and beautiful, and had the will to win...  what more could you ask for in a horse?  She was amazing.  She won every race she ever ran and she was ahead at every point of call at every distance from a sprint to a mile and a half.  And she didn't even have to try.  She never needed to be asked for more.  She didn't care about the pain.  She could run all day.  She's just perfect.

  13. there were so many good ones i the 70's but mine would have to be Ruffian. she had os much power and determination to win. i wish she didn't die :( She was a true champion.

    Next I would have to say secretariat. he was just amazing!

  14. Red Measles a little Appy gelding I was grooming for.

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