
Who is your favorite royal ever and why?

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For me, It's definitely Marie Antoinette. I don't think she can be blamed for why she died. She was pushed into an adult life at such a young age, & all she was trying to do was live her life like a girl wants to. It's not fair, I don't think.

Which royal do you prefer? Just tell me who, give a little background about them, & tell me why.




  1. Mary I of England. Such a tragic figure.

  2. Hey mine would be Elizabeth the 1st. She was not bullied into anything  and she stood up for what she belived in. She didn't marry because she didn't want to. Her own sister tried to kill her and when she came into power she didn't throw the cathlics to one side she tried her hardest to keep the peace between the prostants and catholics.

  3. I would have to say that my favorite Royal ever in the world would have to be Prince Henry of Wales AKA "Harry", his father being Prince Charles of Wales. And the reason that I say that is because he is so much like his mother. He is a very kind caring person and he does not take after his grandmother or his father. And I think that is a very good thing.

    He is into helping people. He is much like his mother. He likes to do charities and other things to help up lift others. He is so much not like his father. He doesn't have a s****., obnoxious attitude. He is a little more down to earth. And I think that is a very good thing. And that the British people should be happy to have him in their government!

  4. Cleopatra.

  5. Some of the Tudors, but since both Elizabeth I & Anne Boleyn have already been mentioned, I'll go to my 3rd choice: John of Gaunt & Katherine (de Roet) Swynford (1300s).

    Katherine was the subject of a novel by Anya Seton, which does seem to be quite accurate for the most part.  She was the younger daughter of a Hainault/French knight, and sister-in-law to Chaucer.  She was married to an English knight by name of Hugh Swynford & they had 2 children.  Somewhere along the line she got involved with the royal house and was appointed governess to John's children (2 girls & the future Henry IV), and eventually became John's mistress.  Accounts differ as to when all of these things actually happened, but probably by the time he married for the 2nd time.  They had 4 children, who were given the surname Beaufort.  Naturally, this was not a well-received matter & the couple may have indeed separated as depicted in the novel for a little while.  He certainly made sure she was comfortable in the material sense.  However, once the 2nd wife died, John wed Katherine & petitioned the Pope & the King to legitimatize their children.

    John was the 3rd son of Edward III, called of Gaunt because he was born in Ghent (English pronounciation).  He became Duke of Lancaster upon marrying the heiress, Blanche.  It was a marriage of affection & likely love, that produced 3 children.  She died of the Black Death, and John then wed politically to a princess of Castile (in Spain); they had 1 daughter.  He commanded armies for his father & brother & nephew, and had a great deal of power during the early years of his nephew's (Richard II) reign.  The commoners disliked him for quite some time, even to burning down his town house during the Peasants' Revolt.  He seems to have genuinely loved Katherine as evidenced by his marriage. (Dukes & Princes weren't supposed to marry so low, nor their former [?] mistresses!)

    The children were indeed legitimatized, to the point of being in the line of succession.  Henry IV changed that after coming to the throne, barring them.

    The Tudors, and thus the current queen, are descended from 2 of the Beauforts.

    I think it's a charming tale, a sweet love story in a time we don't think of nobility & royalty actually loving their spouses.

  6. Lady jane gray, queen for 9 days, beheaded by queen mary because of her faith, she was olny 16, but a very strong woman

  7. Princess Diana,

    She was so kind and caring. She was a beautiful person.

  8. My choices go to Queen Catherine of England, Henry VIII first wife. She was a good wife, and a loving woman. I think most women knows how it feels to be put aside, or cheated on. And she was put 'dumped' because of something she couldn't help. She couldn't help it that she couldn't have a baby boy. And besides the natural physical and emotional pain of countlessmiscarriages and still births and delivering dead babies, she had her husband stolen away (or he left her, however you want to say). I really feel for her.

    My second choice, since we're all abotu the Tudor era, is my favourite, the Lady Jane Grey. The Nine Days Queen. She lived for her books and study, and wanted only a quiet life with her respectful tutors and books. But her grasping parents literally beat her into compliance and made her make a strategic marriage to spoiled mama's boy, the son of the most scheming man in England at the time. And then, when the crown was in their grasp, they forced into accepting it, sealing her fate. The people declared for Mary, daughter of Henry VIII, and there was a revolt. As a result, Lady Jane was thrown into the Tower, and eventually beheaded. She was killed at the tender age of 16, when girls at the time shoudl be married to a strong, loving husband and have atleast one healthy baby in the nursery. Should be living a calm domestic life. Instead, her head was swept off of her tiny body (She was small for her age,and described to have child like hands) all because her parents forced her into a life that she never wanted.

    Those are my votes!

  9. Gengis Khan. That man was an organizational genius.

    I've also soft spots for Ivan the Terrible, Alexander the Great, Frederick II, and Kaiser Wilhelm.

  10. Anne Boleyn (Henry VIII's 2nd wife)

    :) :) :) :) :) :) ")

  11. I researched my family history and found out that marie antoinette is my great great great great great great great aunt she is my favorite because it wasn't her fault she was beheaded and she was very mature for someone in her situation

  12. Diana. She was a really good princess.

  13. Elizabeth 1 ("The Virgin Queen"), losing her mom at such a young age (because Henry VIII beheaded her), having her father disown her (and was never really close to her), until her teenage years, having him die while she is still young, being imprisoned because her sister Mary thought she would try to kill her. All her struggles once she did assume the thrown as a young woman (late teens, early 20's) and run the country while it was torn between Catholics & Protestants. Never marrying by choice, when everybody wanted her to marry spain or france & produce an heir, then the spanish armada, she ruled from the late 1550's til 1603 when she died, without ever marrying or needing a man/king to run her country. England was almost broke when she became queen & she made it rich by the time she died.

  14. Anne Boleyn...

    Anne was Henry's mistress while he was married to his first wife, Catherine. Though he had countless other affairs, Anne withheld s*x from him until he agreed to marry her and make her Queen of England. (Most of his other lovers he grew bored of, or sent them away when they became pregnant.) Anne was able to enchant him with her wit and charm, and was the driving force behind Henry's seperation from the church. She was said to be the smartest, most clever, and most beautiful of all his wives. (She would later be very important to England, as she bore Henry a daughter, the future Elizabeth I.)

  15. Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Anastasia of Russia (the missing Russian princess). Her untimely death and the rumored of her miracle escape have always been shrouded with mystery for the past 90 decades. She was born into the Russian royal family, however, she lived her life as a simple commoner. The Tsar's children were raised as simply as possible. They slept on hard camp cots without pillows, except when they were ill, took cold baths in the morning, and were expected to tidy their rooms and do needlework to be sold at various charity events when they were not otherwise occupied.

    The fall of the Russian empire also brought down the royal family, where Anastasia and her family became victims and were brutally murdered in the most inhuman way. She was one of the worst mistreated royals of all time, and her life story completely shattered the image that a typical fairytale have portrayed of a royal princess. In January 2008 Russian scientists announced that the charred remains of a young boy and a young woman found near Ekaterinburg in August 2007 are most likely those of the thirteen-year-old Tsarevich and one of the four Romanov grand duchesses. Final results of the DNA testing are scheduled to be announced later in the spring. If this is proven to be true, than finally Anastasia could rest in peace and have a proper burial with dignity along with the rest of her family.

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