
Who is your favorite wife of Henry VIII?

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Mine's his fifth wife, Catherine Howard.




  1. Anne Boleyn.  

    Not only was she the mother of Elizabeth, but she seems to have been a stand-up, take charge lady.  Intelligence, personal attractiveness (few think she was beautiful in a traditional or classic sense, but it sounds as though she was one of those people who are so lively people don't notice their physical appearance), musical talent.  She also handled her own spirituality (exploring early Protestantism).  Too bad she didn't see how things were shifting against her very well.  Also underestimated Henry.

  2. i think mine personally would have to be KATHERINE OF ARAGON purely because she refused to give up and actually stood up to HENRY VIII

  3. Overall, my favorite is probably Ann Boleyn, who had beauty, intelligence and character (mmmh, maybe too much intelligence and character for her own good)...

    But as a male, Catherine Howard, who was the most s*x driven of the lot gets a special mention.

  4. Anne Boleyn

  5. Anne Boleyn becuse I am desended from the Boleyn's from her sister Mary. I'm not sure the exact relationship but I have it in my family geneology book. Her daughter Elizabeth was a great Queen.

  6. Sorry bonkersb, Katherine Howard did not live, she had her head cut off for adultery. Two of Henry VIII's wives died natural deaths, two were divorced and two beheaded.

  7. The second wife, Anne Boleyn.

    She was clever, conniving, fearless, and ambitious.

    I love Tudor history :).

  8. Anne of Cleeves. She got the best deal; she didn't have to live with him for long, and then she was considered his sister, with a household and an allowance. I like and admire Catherine of Aragon, but I wouldn't want to go through everything she had to.

  9. Catherine of Aragon. She was a stubborn yet determined, brave, and a deeply religious extraordinary individual. She was a woman who stood up for her rights, and fought for her and her daughter, Mary Tudor's dignity until the last of her breath.

    The political and legal debate of her marriage to Henry VIII continued for six years. Catherine was adamant in saying that she and Arthur, her first husband and Henry's brother, did not consummate their marriage and therefore were not truly husband and wife. Catherine sought not only to retain her position, but also that of her daughter Mary.

    Catherine was to renounce the title of Queen and would be known as the Princess Dowager of Wales, something she refused to acknowledge through to the end of her life. She lived for the next three years in several dank and unhealthy castles and manors with just a few servants. However, she seldom complained of her treatment and spent a great deal of time at prayer.

  10. Okay I know everyone is saying Anne Boleyn but she really was my favorite.  She was VERY interesting.  Definately ahead of her time.  My 2nd favorite was Catherine Howard.

  11. You know, I am really so fascinated by all this Henry VIII stuff.

    I have to say I can't help but being very interested in Anne Boleyn.  But I also find the others interesting as well.  Katherine of Aragon was a phenomenal woman.  Have you all read any of the Phillipa Gregory books like "The Constant Princess" about Catherine of Aragon, or "The Other Boleyn Girl" about Mary Boleyn?  Very interesting reads if you like these type of things.

  12. The one that lived!  


    Adding:  OK freebird, I didn't say Katherine.  I was talking about an Anne "something", and no, not Anne Bolynn.  It was the other Anne, their marriage was annulled.

  13. Anne Boleyn she was the mother of Elizabeth I, my fav queen.

  14. Here's one more vote for Anne Boleyn.  Intelligent, fascinating, well-educated, talented--and she produced the greatest monarch England ever had!

    Poor little Katherine Howard I find simply tragic--a pawn whom the Howard family used to maneuver their way back into the inside track with the King but whom they didn't bother to provide with a proper upbringing, so that she hardly knew that her premarital affairs were a good reason for her not to marry the King, or that an EXTRAmarital affair was the most dangerous and foolish thing she could do.  Except for her short time as Queen, she was so obscure that no definitely identified portrait of her exists, and we're not even sure when she was born--only when she died.  She was probably still in her teens.

    Anne of Cleves has a definite appeal!  For any admirer of hers who hasn't read Margaret Campbell Barnes's My Lady of Cleves, I recommend it.  One of the Six Wives of Henry VIII series also paints an appealing portrait of her, as does that old Charles Laughton film, in which she's played by Laughton's wife, Elsa Lanchester.  History tells us that Henry took one look at her and wanted out, but maybe the shoe was on the other foot!

  15. Katherine of Aragon, also because she stood up to Henry.

  16. Anne of Cleves

    When Henry demanded an annulment her brother pressed her to return home to the duchy of Cleves, but Anne was content to remain in England.  There were two reasons for this - first, Henry was so grateful for her easy submission and gracious manners, he rewarded her with a very comfortable lifestyle.  She was able to live as a wealthy dowager and enjoyed a close relationship with the king (now termed her 'brother') and his three children.  Secondly, she did not want to face an ignominious return to Cleves.  After Henry's public rejection of their union, she would not have found another husband and would have been forced to rely on her brother's generosity.

    Henry was very impressed by her attitude and her respectful subservience to his wishes inspired his gratitude.  Despite his reputation for tyranny, the great king could be kind and generous.  Anne had little cause to think ill of him.  After all, most historians focus on Henry's feelings in this matter - but perhaps the lady from Cleves was less than enamored with her husband and was equally desperate to escape the marriage.  According to all reports, she learned to love English beer and grew plump and  happy in her adopted country.

    best luck to you!

  17. anne bolyn she went out for what she wanted

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