
Who is your favourite and LEAST favourite Twilight (New Moon..etc) character? Why?

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My fave is Jacob! I love him! He's my favourite because he loves Bella the whole time and she doesn't realise. He always trys to look out for her and when Edward leaves, he pulls her out of depression. He's the best. And he's HER best friend.

My least favourite would be Jess probably. She just annoys the h**l outta me. I know, with Victoria, James, The Volturi out there, and I pick Jess. Well, she annoys me and that's why she's here.




  1. Okay, so I havae so many favorites. I love Edward to pieces for the cute, funniness and general perfection but I have to say Jacob. He cracks me up so much and it's adorable how his good intentions go wrong all the time, bless him.

    I also like Seth. He's the sweetest thing. And Alice is so funny. And Emmett is hilarious. I don't know about Jasper.

    I can't stand Lauren and Jessica and Mike really gets on my nerves. And Rosalie is horrid. In every way, the definition of a stuck up cow. I don't know why, but I actually kind of liked James.

  2. Hehe :)

    If I had to pick a guy to "be with," I'd definitely pick Jacob =^-^=

    My least favorite characters are you said, Jessica, but I also don't like Rosalie.

    Is that weird, hehe?

  3. FAVORITE: Edward ALL the way!!!!!! He's perfect.... Need i say more?!

    LEAST favorite: Jacob.... He's an annoying dog!!!!!!!!

    Answer mine????;...

  4. But Edward does love her the whole time and he's trying to look after her by keeping her out of vampire dangers!

    but Jasper is my favorite he reminds me of myself.....not the strong, fast, war stricken bit but the charismatic side of him.

    My least favorite is probably Leah. But sometimes she's alright.

    I think Jacob has good intentions but they don't always come out the way he would like....I guess he's just a bit misunderstood.



  5. fav iv got 3 :P




    least fav


  6. I have too may favorites, but my top 3 would have to be Edward, Alice and Emmett. Edward quite obviously because he is the incarnation of the man every girl *I speak for myself here* dreams of. I love him down to the tiny diamond facets that he glimmers in the light :P

    Alice is just the cutest little thing. I wanna go up to her and hug her :)

    Emmett, because he is the big brother I'd love to have. [Even though I do have a big brother, 12 years older in fact. I still want an Emmett like big brother :) ]

    The three that I really don't like are Rosalie, Victoria and Lauren.

    Rosalie because she's so d**n full of herself, I mean even in eclipse when she is telling Bella her background story. She goes on about how beautiful she is, and how much she knows it. It's like stuck up much?

    Victoria, she just drives me insane. I hate the woman. James was the one who did something wrong in the first place! So why take out something that he brought upon himself on Bella!? grrr!

    Lauren, because the little sh** needs to get over herself. She's a pain in the butt. Like seriously, if you want Tyler then go get him, gosh. Don't let anyone stop you. It's not Bella's fault that every male in the student body likes her!

    Sorry had to let all that out ;)

  7. Does Tyler's van count? Because I like that best. I also like James, Victoria, the Volturi, Jasper . . . heck, every character that wants to kill Bella.

    Least favorite is Bella. My goodness, what a Mary-Sue self insert. Can not stand her and her doormat ways.

  8. Alright I realized that you asked who my favorite character is, not which one I like the most and least, so this is my explanation for the strange answers I may give to this. I'm a writer so I'm picking SM's most intricate characters.

    For a favorite character I'm going to say Jacob. Look, I've never really been a Jacob supporter until Breaking Dawn when I realized how bad he's really had it. You can't help but have the world of sympathy for the guy first off, but his personality is completely...real. He's not perfect, and that makes him perfect to me. I've created a bunch of characters like the perfect vampire, and I don't think that's any big feat. I've been an Edward supporter, but now I'm Switzerland. my other favorite is Rosealie, yeah that sounds weird but I love her character. She's so shallow, too maternal, and nasty but there really is more to her underneath all of that.

    My Least favorite is is Billy Black. He thinks so one sided and he thinks he's pretty cool because he knows what's happening to the La Push pack. Drives me crazy, not a big fan of him as a character and as a person.  

  9. I like the first book because its where edward and bella meet.

    i least like jacob

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