
Who is your favourite f.r.i.e.n.d.s character...?

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they are all funny but mine would have to be joey!




  1. I LOVE friends! Have them all on video! Favourites are Phoebe and Chandler! Phoebe's random songs and wackyness and Chandlers saracastic humour and dashing good looks! LOL :o)

  2. Tricky one. I love them all but sometimes Chandler gets on my nerves with all his jokes and sarcasm!

  3. Chandler

  4. ROSS!!!!!!

    i cant believe everyone has been saying phoebe! urgh

  5. Phoebe

  6. ross but only by  little bit!

    i think their all funni but ross is the funniest i mean like the time rachel was complaining about being pregnant which made her moody ross goes i wish i was a sea horse and she just gives him ia dirty look!loolz:] then he goes because its the males who carry the baby during thepregnancyy andalsoo because there far away at sea....good times...

    i like joey as well because when joey and chandler get robbed of their sofa and everything ross goes to them i have an extra futon and chandler nods but joey goues dude you dont have to brag we got nothing here!"

    its sooo funni :]

    but phoebe is really funni as well i mean that time when she had to sell toner she calls this guy and he says he wants to commit suicidee then phoebe looks though thbookletet of answers and she cant find it so she shuts it for minutete the goes "is that because you've run out of toner?"

    i also love her songs and their was one about men being g*y and thiLittlele boy look up and startlookingng at chandler.i also like the one where she talking about her long time singing partner who betrayed her and what happened was she betrayed her again so phoebwroteea song and it goesomethingng like"jingle ***** scwered me over go to hel jingle w***e go to h**l go to go to h**l.that always makes me laugh.

    there was also one were she sings about rachel liking ross but he likes julie but she changes the names and she goes "but he liked someone called ....luulie" instead of julie.after the song she goes this song was not written about anyone i know.

    sooo funni

    i like chandler as well because there was one episode where rachel was saying to chandler and joey that they were going to dance at her wedding before ross's and milys and chanlder goes i dant danceat wedings and they re all like why? and he goes because there a good place to pick up women and when i dance i look like this."he then starts shaking his arms sise to side up and down and quikly stepping siside to side when ross walks through the door just in tie to witness is sooooo funni!

    my fingers starting to hurt because ive written a lt but i could go on forever about the other charecters.....

    Belzie x

  7. Chandler.

  8. I've always answered this question with Phoebe and Joey but it's changing to Monica she got a lot funnier towards the end.

  9. Pheobe

  10. Chandler, his sarcasm and silly jokes just make me laugh :)

  11. Chandler






    That was hard to do I love them all!

  12. Phoebe

  13. febe, if thats how you spell her name, then i love chanler, if thats how you spell his name too! haha

  14. My favourite was Rachel's boyfriend Tag ; )

  15. Ross was hilarious. Always cracked me up. Love him in the episodes where he buys leather pants and when he tries to take his new sofa upstairs. PIVOT! PIVOT!

  16. chandler because he's just funny throughout every situation.

    i love him & joey together, they're just an explosion of hilariousness

  17. Rachel because she was hot

  18. Phoebe, she is great I love her! Or Joey I love Joey too!

  19. Phoebe! I totally identify with her. When she says something 'stupid' and everyone around me is laughing at her, I'm thinking - 'what's strange about that! It sounds quite reasonable to me!'


  20. joey!

  21. Joey  

  22. Monica =)

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