
Who is your favourite football media personality?

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When I am older I want to follow the path of media and journalism, and I was just wondering who your favourite football commentator/journalist is your favourite and why?




  1. I like Billy Brownless and JB! They are both hilarious personalities and great commentators. Good luck with your dreams firend! I think you will be a fantastic journo!

  2. I like Mark Duffield as a journalist, he is generally fair to all teams & players. Probably Denis Cometti as a commentator (when he is not saying "terrific" in every sentence) because he has a sense of humour & most disliked of all are Caroline Wilson & Bruce mcAvaney.

  3. Dennis Commetti is a good commentator

    When he was doing it, I really liked Dermie, esp his "Dermie does" where he would study the playing style of a particular player

    This was mainly on "the game".


    Or his clone - the head on a stick Anthony Hudson

    Both are so biased its ridiculous.

    I actually refused to watch a North Melbourne game if Bruce was commenting on it

    ( I reckon Bruce has Wayne Carey's name tattooed on his *** )

  4. Grant Thomas - his biased hatred of the Bulldogs is great.

    Dwayne Russell and Caroline Wilson - need I say more?

    Seriously though, I quite liked Clinton Grybas. BT is alright and Commetti comes up with some pearlers every now and then.

  5. Billyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Brownless, love his orange condom lol

  6. Rex Hunt

    His passion for the game is immense

  7. I like Michael Voss, and there are so many I cant name, I love Channel 10's commentary, especially on a Saturday Afternoon, I like Melbournes MMM commentery aswell, even though we dont get it much, I am also starting to like Fox Sports and Channel 7's commentary

  8. I like brian Taylor. I think he's funny.  

  9. DENNIS COMMETTI is the best current commentator for sure, he is always on sport on news here in perth. He has great knowledge and is fast he keeps up with the game. He makes you want to listen and not just mute the t.v and watch the game instead! I never really thought of why, i think he is best.. i will watch the games this w/e and compare the difference in commentators :)

  10. Billy Brownless..... Love the man!!!!!

  11. My favourite commentator is Dennis Commetti.

  12. I used to enjoy Friday night Football with Dennis, Dermie and some other bloke whose name escapes me. Those two worked together beautifully - Dermie the dumb blonde (apologies to the blonde folk out there, but Dermie did nuthin for the cause!!) and Dennis playing off him.

    Rex Hunt, on the other hand, drives me to drink with his stupid nicknames for everyone - was funny for the first three minutes.

    I think the biggest thing is to know your stuff, don't be biased and be professional.

    (Nathan Buckly has surprised me also)

  13. brian taylor is by far the best


  14. The two best in the business are Brissel (Brian Taylor MMM) and Eddie Mcguire (SEN 1116) If you want to go down this path try contacting radio stations and or collingwood fc for ed for some advice

  15. Gerrard Healy  

  16. My favourite commentator is Dennis Commetti.  He is easy to listen to, isn't biased and has a good sense of humour.  I also like listening to Nathan Buckley and he actually smiles now!

    Good luck with your career, please don't turn out like Caroline Wilson, she makes me want to put my foot through the television.  :)

  17. dennis commenti is a good commentator  

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