
Who is your hockey hero and or real life hero?

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I was thinking aboot this because today would have been my Dads 64th Birthday but I lost him 5 years ago next month.He was a Disabled Veteran from Vietnam who got blown off a roof by friendly fire.Not once in my life did I hear he had an enemy.He got me into a ton of sports but hockey we seemed to love watching the most.His face always lighting up when he was telling me aboot the parade in 74 which my mom is still mad at me for because she was pregnant with me at the time.Just let it go Mom.LOL

Sorry for rambling but I think this could be a good topic for some out there..




  1. i dont really have a real life hero who is related to hockey and i hate to use the cliche but my real life hero would be my parents for many reasons, the top being they have to put up with me lol

    my hockey hero...would probably have to be Saku Koivu and Jarome Iginla.

  2. Let's have a moment of silence for your dad Joe - i can relate, mine died 2 days before my 19th birthday, 13 years ago. (Dad died August 25th, 1995 my birthday is the 27th. Don't ya'll forget haha)

    My hockey hero? It's gotta be either Maurice Richard or Everett Sanipass (the Rocket you guys know - Everett is a Mic'macq Indian from New Brunswick who'd been drafted by the Blackhawks when Lity was working there) since his retirement he's done lots of community outreach within the Canadian Aboriginal community. (And yeah, gotta also mention Saku Koivu, Mario Lemieux, John Cullen and Paul Stewart for their victories over various types of cancer)

    My real life hero? My dad. What he overcame is pretty amazing.

    He may not have fought for America like yours but still a great person. (Moving to a new country and learning SEVERAL new languages) He would make sure my skates were sharp and I had an extra hockey stick in case one broke, even though more than half his income went to the mortgage. Kept on playing hockey, soccer, tennis and baseball with me and my brother even after being diagnosed with leukemia and dying barely a year later.

    (My aunt Diana's ex-husband is a Vietnam Veteran though so I know what you and your mother went through)

    EDIT my Dad was in the army too. While in the French army after WW2 helped train "Moroccon sharpshooters" .. think that's how you'd translate it ..

  3. Real Life Hero- Tuna! Tuna is a true gentleman when downgrading other members! LOL

    Seriously.. I dont have any heroes... I look up to many people, as I feel everyone has something to give! I just try and live my life in a way where I am productive.

  4. My hockey hero is Brian Gionta for his hard work.  In college his coach told him he better get an education because he would never make it in hockey.  Gionta proved him wrong, was drafted in the 2nd round, and broke the Devils scoring record with 48 goals.  And off the ice he's a really nice guy.  He takes the time to sign everybody's stuff, and take pictures with everyone.  For him, signing a couple pucks is just a small gesture, but reallys means so much to the person receiving it.

    My real life hero is my big brother, who's 4 years older.  He's always been there for me in every way possible.  He's not only my brother, but my best friend.  I remember when we were little he brought me to the park and I was sitting on a bench and this kid shoved me off.  I went crying to my brother, and you know what my brother did?  He went and pushed THAT kid off!  HA!  :-D  We were and still are partners in crime.

    And whenever he would play roller hockey with his friends, he would always bring me to the park and let me tag along.  And sometimes when he goes out, he comes back and just buys me stuff because he wants to.  Sometimes he passes on hanging out with his friends to do stuff with me.  And his friends are always like, "Dude...why would you want to hang out with your sister...?" and he'll say things like, "If you had her for a sister you'd understand."  And really, I'm not that cool.  He's just nice :-)

    He helped me ditch school to go to Devils practices, and never got anything signed by the players himself because he was always concentrating on getting the players to sign MY stuff instead.  He got me into hockey too and we always watch games together.  But now that he's in college he always calls me after the games to talk about them.  My brother buys me tickets all the time too, and I can pretty much assume that every year I'm going to a game on/near my birthday because of him.

    And when he got a girlfriend a few years ago, I got really upset because I thought that he would always hang out with her instead of me.  And he told me that no matter what, he would always love me the most.

    He's always there for me to help, guide, and motivate me, and I can talk to him about anything.  He pushes me to stride for the best, and he's always thinking of me, and I can honestly say that he cares more about me than I care about myself.  He's the one who made all my really made all the best and funny childhood memories for me.  If it wasn't for him, I'd be a completely different person.  And I like how I turned out because of him.

  5. Mike modano is my american hockey hero and peter bondra is my foriegn hockey hero.  I've gotta say my older brother is my hero becuase he's always there and he always supports me and he's good at what he does and setting an example for me also got me into hockey.  I used to go to all of his practices and games no matter how early in the morning they were

  6. my life hero is my big sister. I love her so much and she always is great to talk to-for advice on clothes or school problems or just a gossip or fashion help. She has really cool clothes and great ideas-she is reaaally clever (she got into Oxbridge) and has a really nice BF. When I go to uni, I want to have achieved everything that she did! And she was nominated for the Oxbridge hockey captain, so hey...that means she is a sporty hero too! I am sorry about your dad. He wasn't that much older than mine when he died.

  7. my real life heroes are my grandpa, as hawkey fan explained and my father. My dad has gone out of his way to provide me with anything i could ever want and needed including a brand new car to practice with (im not 16 yet). Just the amount of stuff he does for me is unbeleivable and i cant thank him enough (and my mom too i guess).

  8. I would have to say my dad. I lost him to cancer and after several years I have yet to get past it, I don't think I ever will. He was just a fantastic person in every way. kind, generous and simply the best dad any child could ever ask for.  Before my children came to life, he was the most important person to me. I was a real daddy's girl and there wasn't anyone we knew who didn't know it. He was my world. :(

    Anyhow, he and I used to watch hockey together all the time...and my god I hated it.  LOL I'm a Habs fan, he was a Nordiques fan (he started watching only to bug me and my sister who are both Habs fans) to bug us he started to root for the Nords.  After a while he became a true Nords fan and the fights we had over it... LOL But still, when the Habs won the cup, he lawn mowed a habs logo on the grass and spray painted it in Habs colors. (that couldnt' have been easy for him to do lol) What a shock when I got off my school bus and saw that... The whole busload was in awe LOL

    When he was in the hospital he would always ask for his newspaper to see what the hockey stats were.  The last paper we purchased for him he never got to read..... we burried it with him because I KNOW he wanted to know what the stats were....

    ok....I can go on forever because he really was and still is my hero..unfortunately I can't see the screen anymore lol

    As for a hockey player...I don't think I have a hero, just a favorite, and that's Patrick Roy.

  9. He is in the Pittsburg Penguins

    Num# 71  

    Height- 6' 3

    Weight- 195

    Born in- July  31, 1986 - Magnitogorsk, RUS

    Age- 21

  10. Great Question....

    Hockey hero has to be my brother. He played hockey when he was younger but he got into an accident and he couldn't play hockey any more. He looked at me after his accident and said  "Play hockey for me, I never got to finish my dream so go out there and finish it for me" I cried when he told me this and I guess you could say I've been playiing hockey for him!

    My real life hero is my Dad. He has a kidney problem and he always watches hockey to ease his pain. His kidney could fail at any point at time and take his life away... but that dosen't bother him.... He live his life normally, he watches hockey like he was a teen and he pushes me to my best abbility! He's a great man who I love dearly and he always taught me that watch and play hockey to ease you pain, it can be one of the best medicines out there!

    Sorry to hear about your dad, he sounded like a great hero!

    Answering your question actually made me cry!

  11. Jean Beliveau is my hero for always having class, and voicing his opinion, even if it is against the grain.  

    I can't believe this is the toughest question I have even been asked.  Everybody has such touching stories, I am jealous that I don't have the deep connection, which many of you have with your families.   Since I was 17, I have seen them maybe 5 times.  One of my brothers risked it all, and drove across the country to become rich & famous.  He has become rather famous in some respects and very rich, so I guess he is somewhat of my hero for making dreams and sticking to them.  My other brother has a genetic disease.  He never lets his impeding side effects get in the way of how he lives his life.  He is my hero, for not letting bumps in the road ruin his shortened life.

    I am sorry to hear about your you had told me about him before, he sounds like a great guy.

  12. My hockey hero: Scott Stevens.

  13. Your dad seems unbelievably awesome.

    The closest I have/had to heroes real life and hockey were Chris Gratton and Robby Zamuner.

  14. I know you have told me all about your dad. I wish I would have met him. I have told you before what a great guy I thought he was and how you beam when you speak about him. I only wish my own dad was like that.

    Now Hockey hero. I would say Gordie Howe. Still plays and is an ambassador for the sport and always will be.

    My own hero would be my Grandpa. He and I were very close. I was even born on his Birthday. We had a special bond from day one. He was always the only one to support me in whatever I wanted to do. He told me I could . He was there rooting for me too. I lost him when I was in middle school . I have not had that kind of caring and support from anyone ever since. I miss that. It makes me very sad also

  15. my real life hero would have to be my mom. She passed away last year on August 23, 2007 from Ovarian cancer. Never once did i ever hear her complain about having cancer & she never cried in front of me about having cancer either (although, i'm aware she did at certain points, like anybody would). i love her for being strong for me, so i could be strong for her.. she knew that if i saw her crying, it would break me down and i love her for that, ya know?

    I gave up my whole summer to take care of her because i was the only one in the house who didn't have to go to work or school...

    I remember watching some intense hockey games and i would be screaming, while she would be lying in bed. (before she got sick) and she would come out all angry and yelling at me to shut up and i would just go "ahhh mom, it's HOCKEYY" and i'd make her sit down and watch it... even though she'd want to watch entertainment tonight or some gossip show lol

  16. Hey Joe, sorry about your father, he seemed like a great person.

    My Hockey hero is Steve Yzerman. Watching him lead Detroit to three Stanley Cup Titles as a player, and one as Vice President of the Red Wings is just brilliant.

    My real life heroes are KoЯn. They got me through a lot of sh*t, and they still help me get through a lot. All my issues are toned down when I listen to them, because I can relate to many of their lyrics.

  17. I'm sorry about your dad. My real life hero is my grandpa. I lost him just a few months ago. He served in vietnam and was a Chicago firefighter. He got lung cancer from it as well as skin cancer. from the skin cancer, a tumor grew on his nose and his nose was removed. He battled through it for quite some time, but lost his fight. For all that he did, he is my hero.

    Gonchar really got me thinking about him yesterday. Shes leaving so she can spend time with he best friend who has cancer. I wish i could have spent more time with my grandpa. He lived only three minutes away, but i never went to see him, and the last time i saw him was 2 weeks before his death. I really wish i would have done what Kristen is doing. I miss my hero

  18. I'm sorry aboot your dad. From the little I know aboot him, he sounds like he was a great guy and a terrific father.

    My hero is also my dad. As a two-time cancer survivor, he's both the strongest and the most gentle of gentlemen I've ever met.When the MegaCorp that he works for recently offered him 'early retirement' at age 71, he told them 'no thanks'. Also at age 71, I hear (from others) that he still plays a killer game of tennis. He's got a great outlook on life and is one of the biggest party animals you'll ever meet. My dad is my #1 hero.

    My hockey hero is Saku Koivu. Also a cancer survivor, he took his misfortune and turned it into a blessing for others by providing necessary medical equipment where none had previously existed.

  19. As far as a hockey hero goes, My hero is anyone who persevered through a life obstacle. Whether it was cancer or being to small. My favorite player is one i look up too, Martin St.louis, he was told he wouldn't be able to play in the nhl, but he persevered. I just love to here about players who went through so much and play the game to their best.

    My real life hero is my Mom. She has supported me through everything. When i started to love hockey she was the one who bought me my first jersey and who took me to my first nhl game. She hates watching sports, but because i asked her she has watched a game with me (even though she fell asleep) it was important to me and she knew that.

    Joe this is a really great question and i'm sorry about your father.

  20. Hockey Hero is my hometown Hockey hero. no need to explain why, he is just extraordinary.

    My real life Hero is my wife. she has beaten cancer 3 times now, takes care of our kids, is finishing her degree, and still has the patience to put up with my @ss. love her to death.

  21. Steve Yzerman is my hockey hero. He was the best leader to play the game.

  22. Real life hero.......I'm going to have to go with my dad. If I could be like one person in the world it would be him. I don't get along too well with msot of my family. My personality seems to just clash with theirs, and then to top it all of I usually end up telling them off and making them more mad. But not my dad and I are a lot a like. We're both pretty mellow and people tell us both all the time that we could be in a burning building and just be like "I don't care". My dad is just one of the coolest guys you'll ever meet. He got me into the sport of hockey. I owe everything I know to him. Everything hockey thing I've ever done he's the one that did it with me. He's also the one who stays up with me until 3 o'clock in the morning playing video games. He's just so cool to hang out with. Especially when you go on vacation with him.......he took me up to Toronto back in Feb. to see a Leaf/Sabre game and the HHOF. One night we had nothing to watch but some French show with an old lady sining, and I can still remember that like it was just yesterday....he was laughing so hard at the show. My dad is also the same one who got me into music. My dad's third love is music, and when he sings he sounds just like John Lennon, lol.

    And I'm sorry to hear about your dad.

    Hockey hero.........Two people fall into mind right away......Mario Lemieux and Saku Koivu.

  23. Real life and hockey hero is my father.  He taught me the game when I was young.  Coached me in my early career.  Always watched live and televised when in high school.  Came to all of my high school games after work.

    Having playing travel hockey as a youth and spending so much time on the road with your family, it really makes you closer with your parents.  We have so many stories we tell whenever we get together.  It was really one of the greatest experiences in my life.

  24. scott stevens and jerome iginla

    and real life, probably my dad

  25. Sorry for your loss man, I too am a 1975 baby. My old man is my idol also. I got into Hockey from him, learn how to be a real human being from him and also got into business from him. He was a child of 6 from the slums of West Manhattan, he fought to give me and my sister everything he didn't have.

    I learned respect,sportsmanship and work ethic from him and am glad to have him in my life.

  26. Sorry for your loss Joe. He sounds amazing.

    Hockey hero--Steve Rucchin. Underated center for my fave team for 10 yrs and played the game like there was no tomorrow even when his brother was dying of cancer. He still kept his cool. It inspired me to keep my head up b/c my granny was dying at the same time (of cancer).

    My heros--My parents even though they drive me nuts at times.

  27. Steve Yzerman followed by Chris Osgood

    real life hero would probably be either my sister and/or this friend of the family who really helped me (in ways he didn't know) to try to get to where I wanted to be in's kind of hard to explain

    but about my sister - she is seven years older than me and she shows me how you shouldn't stop believing and how you should never give up. she also always puts a smile unto my face when I'm sad and she and I have shared countless great memories.

    I'm sorry about your dad....that's too bad =(

  28. Sorry to hear about what happened to your father. I dont realy have a hockey hero but my real life hero is Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers. He overcame deathly disease(i think cancer) and now, a few years later hes having an amazing season

  29. No hockey hero

    real life hero is Jesus Christ!!!!

  30. Josh Harding is one of my heros!

    all that he does to rasie awareness for breast cancer is amazing! he has a special place in my heart because my mom had breast cancer.

    My real life hero is my and him share a lung disease...we were born with it and he past away 7 years ago and was a stronger little fighter! he will always be my hero!

  31. Joe just remeber to celibrate his life and the good that he taught you

    My Heros were

    Christa McAuliffe and Neil Peart from would have to read his book ........      Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road

    to understand why

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