
Who is your idol?

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Who is your idol?




  1. John Muir, with Mozart as a close second.

  2. jesus christ of course! then my rents come after that!

  3. beyonce...not her but her body and maybe her money although I like my butt better...

  4. You are because you got your picture on here, and I can't do it worth a dam* lol

  5. My Grandfather.  He was an amazing man.  He never judged anyone, even though he was judged and envied by many.  He was a Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney, yet he helped countless kids get child support.  Most people of his stature would have looked down on people but he never did.  He gave me two pieces of advice.  He said, "Don't marry a bum," and the other was, "If you are going to be a bum, be the best bum you can be."  He was my best friend in life to date and I miss him dearly.  He died when I was 18 and I wish he were still alive so that I could share him with everyone in my life now.

  6. I don't have one. Still searching.

  7. You o.k. You are very s**y.

  8. Hiawatha~~~~

    Hiawatha (also known as Ayenwatha or Haiëñ'wa'tha; Onondaga)[1] who lived (depending on the version of the story) in the 1100s, 1400s, or 1500s, was variously a leader of the Onondaga and Mohawk nations of Native Americans. Hiawatha was a follower of The Great Peacemaker, a prophet and spiritual leader who was credited as the founder of the Iroquois confederacy, (referred to as Haudenosaunee by the people). If The Great Peacemaker was the man of ideas, Hiawatha was the politician who actually put the plan into practice. Hiawatha was a skilled and charismatic orator, and was instrumental in persuading the Iroquois peoples, the Senecas, Onondagas, Oneidas, Cayugas, and Mohawks, a group of Native North Americans who shared similar languages, to accept The Great Peacemaker's vision and band together to become the Five Nations of the Iroquois confederacy. (Later, in 1721, the Tuscarora nation joined the Iroquois confederacy, and they became the Six Nations).

    The Hiawatha Belt is made of 6,574 wampum beads - 38 rows by 173 rows and has 892 white and 5682 purple beads. The purple represents the sky or universe that surrounds us, and the white represents purity and Good Mind (good thoughts, forgiveness, and understanding). The belt symbolizes the Five Nations from east to west in their respective territories across New York state - Seneca (People of the Great Hill), Cayuga (People of the Swamp), Onondaga (Keepers of the Fire), Oneida (People of the Standing Stone), and Mohawk (People of the Flint). Each nation is represented by open ‘squares’ of white beads with the central figure signifying a tree or heart. The white open squares are connected by a white band that has no beginning or end, representing all time now and forever. The band, however, does not cross through the center of each nation, meaning that each nation is supported and unified by a common bond and that each is separate in its own identity and domain. The open center also signifies the idea of a fort protected on all sides, but open in the center, symbolizing an open heart and mind within.

    The tree figure signifies the Onondaga Nation, capitol of the League and home to the central council fire. It was on the shores of Onondaga Lake where the message of peace was “planted” and the hatchets were buried (bringing us the expression, “burying the hatchet”). From this tree, four white roots sprouted, carrying the message of unity and peace to the four directions.

    Thus, from the beginning of memory for the Haudenosaunee, the good mind concept, and our wampum belts, are the premise upon which we govern our interactions with others and ourselves. The “Thanksgiving Address” is given in advance of all meetings and allows us to clear our minds and give thanks for all we have. Let us remember to repeat the words of the Thanksgiving Address every day for the generations to come with the hope for peace among humankind and all living things.

    The Hiawatha Belt has been dated to the mid-1700's. It contains near its center a bead made of colonial lead glass. It is believed the design is as old as the league itself and that the present belt is not the original.[2]

    The Hiawath Belt forms the basis fo the flag of the Haudenosaunee Confederation.


  9. Angelina Jolie. Her love for kids, care and compassion for others, and dedication to helping is inspirational. She uses her fame in a positive way.

  10. I look up to different men and women but no one is my idol.

    Lev 26:1  Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.

  11. My 6 year old daughter  -- she is amazing, sweet, beautifuk, innocent, loving, caring .....she's the best ...and my life is a better place because of her

  12. David Archuleta :D

  13. fire fighters - i think they are some of the bravest people in the world.
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