
Who is your least favorite player on your favorite team??

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Jay k- im a big Peters fan. why dont you like him?

Fireboy- Lebda's alot better than lilja




  1. Lilja, unfortunately. He has the size and the team mates to look good and improve, yet seems a likely goat. A few times when he played in this years playoffs he was scary. Don't forget last year he skated the puck in front of his own net, then lost it ever so easy, right on the tape of Selanne, en route to the SCF. Horrible way to end the season.

  2. i would say Jonas Hiller on the Ducks he is pretty good but not as good as he thinks he is.  i saw him at the face off fest last year and he looked pretty cocky.

  3. Brett Lebda... i really think that he needed to be back down to grand rapids for another season or two... it seems like every time there was a bad turnover in their defensive zone, lebda was on the ice.

  4. Least favorite player on the Devils has to be Sheldon Brookbank. He is horrible. He turned over the puck so many times, and his bad plays have lead to MANY goals. I think three times in like ten games he has done something stupid that directly lead to an  opposing goal.

    For example, during one game, Brodeur and two other players were on the right side of the net, and Brookbank was on the left. Brookbank stupidly decides to go over to the right side, because that's where the puck was, leaving the left side of Brodeur completely unguarded and the other team just passed and scored on the left. Brodeur had no chance to get that, and Brookbank, being an idiot, left his position and it resulted in a goal. If he had just stayed there, instead of having four freaking guys on one side of the net, there probably wouldn't have been a goal. Oh and yeah, that lost the game for us.

  5. My favorite team is blues and i HATE Hannu Toivonen..he is the worst player in the NHL.

  6. Chicago Blackhawks - Can't choose, there's a few but im going to have to go with Robert Lang. He's a veteran player, but doesn't act the way vets do. I don't think hes a very great guy off the ice, and on it, he doesnt try

  7. Top 3:

    Andrew Peters

    Maxim Afinogenov

    Dmitri Kalinin(although he'll be leaving pretty soon)

    He seems to do a lot of dumb things on the ice and takes bad penalties. He's slowly being replaced by Pat Kaletta who plays the same type of role, but is younger, more skilled, and draws penalties instead of taking them.

  8. id have to say zubrus he didnt do much this season i hope he pulls it together soon he is a pretty big guy and he needs to show people whats up

  9. Favorite Team- Bruins

    Least Favorite player- Tim Thomas. I hate that man. He has no clue what the h**l he's doing. He is consistantly out of position and makes sprawiling saves that makes th crowd go "ooohhhhh" and I'm sitting in the corner saying that if it was any other goalie it would've been an easy save, he only makes thing harder for himself. I don't know how he puts up some of the numbers he does, but he's terrible.

  10. Dany f'ing Sabourin.

    Kris I'mABaby Beech

    Daryl Big Sissy Sydor.

    ^^^I hate those three with a passion.

  11. Sergei Brylin cause I know he can be so much better then he has proven in NJ.

  12. my fav is the blues and my least is fav is jeff woywitka

  13. Jeff Taffe.

  14. darien hatcher on the flyers. Too slow and takes dumb


  15. Ryan "Boarding" Hollweg, or Paul "who?" Mara.

    Hollweg is probably a good person... but he doesn't belong in the NHL.  He takes WAY too many penalties, including more 5-minute majors than anyone else on the team.  It's virtually impossible for him to hit the net.

    Paul Mara... I just don't think he's a very good defenseman, no reason really.

  16. lol i read the question wrong

    i dont like brylin and asham

  17. Mikael Samuelsson.

  18. John Erskine, we already have 2 guys like him all he does is make the caps go on the pk, he dones get many points

  19. I would say Erikkson or Nilson.... but they have been just placed on waivers! :D

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