
Who is your most hated baseball team?

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whos yours and what do u think is the most hated team of all time?

i hate boston with a passion

but i think the yankees are probably the most hated team




  1. im a dodger u know the rest.

  2. The White Sox

  3. I'm a Marlin fan so I hate the Mets and the Phillies.

  4. Well, I'm a cubs fan, but we don't really hate anyone.. we just like to come together as chicago and just enjoy.. although we would like to have a championship considering its been some years now.. but its all good

  5. Well, I'm a Red Sox fan so I hate the yankees!!!

  6. The Pond Scum Mets

  7. As a Red Sox fan, I hate the Yankees with an immense passion. And frankly I think it's jealousy because as is the case with overly-patriotic Americans, you're so used to being the dominant figure, you can't stand being the bridesmaid.

  8. The Yankees are by far the most hated team. If you aren't a fan, then most likely you don't like them.

    My most hated team is Boston. I'm a Yankee fan, of course it would be the Red Sox.

  9. My hometown team is the Cleveland Indians (and I'm still a lifelong Jim Thome fan as well)  The team I hate the most is the Yankees.  

    Them with their sense of entitlement that because of they have the most World Series championships, they must be contenders every year so why not overspend to get all the talent they possibly can on one team.  Never mind actually developing players from their own farm system when they can go sign some free agent who Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Toronto, Florida, Seattle, San Diego or several other clubs could never afford to have.  Even the fact that a Johnny Damon and Wade Boggs could leave Boston and go play for them is something that disgusts me (I'll leave Mr HGH Clemons out of this conversation)

  10. I'm a Phillie fan.

    2nd favorite........any team that beats the Yankees.

  11. I´m a Yankee fan and as obvious, you know the rest! :)

  12. As a Twins fan it's you guessed it....wait you thought the White Sox? Sorry I guess I was's the Yankees

  13. d**n Yankees - the evil empire.

  14. I'm a little baffled with the dodger fan above, but alright.

    I hate the Dodgers, I am a Giants fan. Maybe if the Giants were good, people would hate us haha.

  15. I'm a Red Sox fan, so Yankees. The Mets would be second. I don't really hate any other teams. Hard to hate Tampa or Baltimore, and I watch Toronto on TV all the time so it is hard to hate them.

  16. Im a Dodgers Fan and i cant stand the angels. ill admit they have an amazing team with the recent texiera trade but i hate how they changed their names to the los angeles angels of anaheim  

  17. I'm a true, blue Cubs fan, so I would have to say Cardinals, Brewers, and, of course, WHITE SOX!

  18. Tough choice, because the team(s) may change over the years (i.e., when they have not contended in years)!  Still, I grew up hating the Dodgers and  Reds because they would beat my childhood Phillies.  Later, I hated the Indians because of my loud mouth in-laws - it was so sweet when the Marlins upset them in '97!

    Obviously, due to their unprecedented success, the Yankees are the most reviled team in MLB - you either love them or hate them, there is never an in-between!  Although, it was nice to see the Sox finally win a WS, I wish they would shut up for another 86 years!  GO YANKS!

  19. It is a toss up of Red Sox and White Sox. Red Sox to me, are just arrogant, cocky, self absorbed poor souls. Though they recently rid of one of them lol.  White Sox to me are just over rated, and their manager doesnt make it look good for his team in any way.

    Probably Yankees are most hated.  Personally I dont know why, unless fans dont like contenders, all their championships, and sick of them spending all the time, throwing money all over,  but thats the organization, not the team.

  20. I was born within a mile of Fenway.  I was innoculated with a hatred of the Yankees.   I do hope they miss the playoffs this year.  But it's not just Red Sox fans who hate the Yankees.  Angel fans, White Sox fans, whoever you meet hate the Yankees for the arrogance, big payroll and tendency to sign stars at the end of their career for way more than they are worth.  Giambi, Damon, come to mind.

  21. As a Yankee fan, the the answer is obvious - I hate the Boston Red Sox.  I think it is in Yankee Fan's DNA.  

    Everybody hates the Yankees because they are committed to winning and will always be that way.  Most other teams and their owners are just happy to be playing in the Major Leagues, but the Yankees want to win, not just play.  

  22. as a die hard boston red sox fan since i was 5 i have grown up the last 12 years hating the yankees but living in canada there is a distant seccond to the yankees and that would be the bluejays and there horrible closer bj ryan cant stand that chode


  24. i hate the yankees.

    i am a red sox fan

    or a reds fan

  25. I'm a Yankees fan of close to 30 years. Obviously, my hatred for the Red Sox knows few boundaries. They are by far the pro sports team I hate the most, closely followed by the Miami Dolphins.

    The funny thing about the Red Sox is that so many of their fans think their team is different from the Yankees when they've really become a lot more like them than they care to admit. They've spent. They've cultivated a huge fan base. They've won. (Recently, anyway.) Sounds like the Yankees to me.

    As for the Yankees being hated: Yeah, they are and they'll always be a target. You got wack guys like Jim Caple (who can't write a baseball column on without getting in a dig on the Yanks), Mike Lupica and Rick Reilly who constantly bash them. But I don't care that much. Success breeds haters. Always has, always will.

  26. i hate the pirates and oriels.   the most hated team is probally the yankees

  27. The Phillies ~~~> especially after my Mets had that monster collapse last year!!!!

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