
Who is your pick to get a multiple game suspension and for doing what to the opposing player (08-09 season)?

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Who is your pick to get a multiple game suspension and for doing what to the opposing player (08-09 season)?




  1. sean avery for fighting a fan

  2. Chris Pronger will get a 2 game suspension for intentionally slapshoting a puck at someones face, in the hope that he can make the opposing player as ugly as he is.

  3. Pronger for cross-checking in the head from behind. He will finally get the 20+ game suspension he deserved last season.

    Bonus: Sean Avery for wearing white high heels after Labor Day.

  4. Ruutu for throwing something at another player, like a stick or a waterbottle.

  5. Pronger.  There's nothing else cheap, dirty, or cowardly for him left to do short of driving a bus full of schoolchildren off of a cliff, so there's my prediciton.

  6. Chuck Norris for kicking ***.

    Seriously, though, Martin brodeur for fighting.

  7. Jordin Tootoo.

    For suckerpunching someone breaking the other players cheek bone that'll get him suspended for 20 + games.

  8. Sean Avery is going to get suspended for 4 games for a checking from behind incident...but thats just a guess

  9. Any player on the Flyers. Except for Metropolit :P


    I'm gonna go with...Pronger. Big surprise I know.

  10. Dan Ellis 3 games for being so Awesome.

  11. I would say Pronger. He will get one for a boarding with an injury type call. As he is a repeat offender. That will come into play. Most of the others that fall into this category have left ( like Simon)

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