
Who is your "dream weaver"?

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You know, the one person in the world that you wish you could spend some time with?




  1. Will Smith (i'm not joking) and it's not just cause he's a celebrity. He got married BEFORE he got famous, yet he stays married and appreciates the lovely woman he's married to. He's very self motivated and he's been successful. I want to be like that. True to myself, true to my loved ones, and ambitious- successful.

  2. What does this have to do with quotes?

  3. I feel like I want to say myself, but if it has to be someone else then I'd say my mum. Its impossible though as she passed away a while back

  4. I know this one story i read about a girl who falls inlove with this boy when she was only 7 and that boy is 9.They met in a park,though when they can only spend 4 days together,it was worth enough for her to feel what is like to be with someone she loves.That guy soon apart from the girl and before he left with his family to a city, he said to the girl that " Your beautiful in blue ".The girl blushed.That boy promises that he would search for the girl when time comes.

    After 10 years long,her memories on that day till now never fade away.It is still in her mind,warm in the inside.The girl couldn't stand waiting anymore so she decided to go looking for him.In her journey to the train,she got pushed by a guy accidently.The guy lend her a hand as so when she stood up,in that guy's mind was " Your beautiful especially in blue ".SO off they go about telling the whole story to why and stuff.Unexpected things happened along the journey and that guy helps her out of the way everytime she met into troubles.

    Finally,when they found the guy who the girl had been waiting for ten whole years have finally come true afterall.But that guy changed,he soon no longer know what is love and would never longer fall inlove with anybody anymore. Its because his parents got murdered.And so,that guy told the girl to leave him be.

    The girl was soo sad that she ran away into a dark corner between two buildings.The guy who helped her in her journey followed her.They hugged for a moment.Then,the guy kisses her in the lips.

    The girl blushed.

    Later the next day,the girl just can't stop thinking about that guy.The guy felt bad of what he had done though.What he did is actually from his feelings that is love.He loves the girl.

    The girl realized how much important the guy is.Without him,she could never know whats the guy in past is like now.Without him,she could never know the truth and that she have to wait for that day to come.Without him,she can never have this day.Most importantly,without him,she can never know what is the menaing of love.

    So to end this, the girl said " Although i have been waiting for the guy i loved for 10 years , Now i want to stay with the guy who i truly love for more than 10 years ".

    All i want is that for you to try and understand this.True love is what that makes sense of all.Everyone needs love and to be loved.My Dream WEaver would be the one who i can never hope or need for more that is True LOve.

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