
Who just watched that hockey game,no im not asking those who see highlights and think they saw the whole thing

by  |  earlier

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pens vs wings.. Fin awsome. omg i went crazy like no other when they scored that goal with under a min remaining. and then that one in overtime made me scream...omg it was awsome, im glad i actually got to witness (about to be)history.




  1. that game was so awesome!

  2. I watched it and was'nt it something when Petr Sykora told  them he was going to get a goal and he got the game winner!

  3. I watched it. It was a great game. I am not much of a hockey fan, but I'm from Michigan and the State needs something good to happen. The recession hit the State of Michigan harder than any other state.

    The City of Detroit and the State of Michigan need something to get excited about.

    Nonetheless, if the Penguins happen to win this series it would be the biggest upset in hockey, since the USA beat Russia.

  4. I'm with Sunshine (above) this morning.  My husband's alarm goes off at 4:30am and mine goes off at 5:30am so I'm definitely feeling it this morning.  But how could anybody go to bed before it was over?  All in all a great game.  Unfortunately, this means the Wings aren't going to win the cup in front of the home crowd, but that's ok.  We'll take it in Pitt. without complaining.

  5. Its not over till it's over.............

    GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!

  6. I watched the entire game and regardless of who won, it was an amazing game that I've been waiting the entire series for.  Both teams gave their everything last night.  I'm paying for it this morning though because the game didn't go off until almost 1am and I have to be to work by 5:30am so I got almost no sleep.  I'm just hoping the Wings end things early during the 6th game because I can't keep staying up until all hours of the night watching hockey.

  7. I remembered the game was on at about the middle of the second. After that, watched every minute (and there were plenty)

    Good game... MAF stole one. If the Pens win the cup, he gets the Smythe. Even if the pens don't win the cup, he coudl get teh Smythe.

  8. I'm a die hard Wings fan, so I' m a little bummed that they lost, but what a totally awesome game. One of the best I've seen in a long time. This is the kind of Hockey you expect to see in the SCF, and there is no shame in losing in triple overtime to a team that worked as hard at it as the Pens did tonight. Congrats to all the Pens fans, along with my fervent hope that we kick your a$$es on Wednesday at Mellon.

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