
Who keeps a copy of your will?

by Guest32198  |  earlier

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I'm divorced, no children. My brother and sister are in my will. Do I give them a sealed copy or keep the will in a safety deposit box?




  1. keep one copy in the safety deposit box (original), one should have been placed on file at the courthouse (county clerk's office) where you live and give one to the executor of the will. Sometimes, when you pass away, the courts will freeze the safety deposit box so you want to make sure someone has access to the will. If it is frozen, who ever is the executor of the will can petition the courts to get access to the original will

  2. No, a lawyer keeps your will until your death, then at a "reading" your will will be given to those parties who are named in the will.

  3. you can leave a copy with a solicitor or there are places who provide a will keeping service. it would be a good idea to give a sealed copy to the executor of your will. you could also keep it in a safe in your house if you have one.

  4. Original in SD with right of survivor so it can be accessed and a sealed copy to someone you trust.

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