
Who killed kennedy and why dont govt tell us?

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Who killed kennedy and why dont govt tell us?




  1. he was killed by CIA snipers on the grassy knoll as a condition to pull out Soviet Missiles out of Cuba

  2. Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy.  

    People can't come to terms with one man killing a legend, so our minds invent stories.

  3. I think that CIA killed the 35th president of the United States: John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I don't deny or accept that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, but this is less important. He couldn't act on his own like Warren comission said. It's impossible. Imagine it's the president of the US not of the Dem. Rep. of Congo or Angola. It is considerred to be one of the most powerful and important person of the world so he was defended by a lot of guards. If his assassin was acting on his own he would immediately be seen and killed.

    John F. Kennedy was a pacifist and CIA, the US Army and some other organizations and people which were tied with the war and the weapons didn't like him at all cus they couldn't do money. If USA wouldn't have done wars how could the weapon factories work? What would the army which has a big budget in the US do. They would keep all that weapons:NO! So they had to get lost president Kennedy, and they killed him.

    It's normally that government doesn't say nothing because they did it, they were all together against The 35th President of the United States of America. This is it.

  4. I think they have the answer but probably won't release this info until around 2050, when most of the people living during this tragic event have passed away.

  5. Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas Book Depository with a coped Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. Nice gun. Also Oswald was a trained USMC sniper. Before he was kicked out for being a commie.

    There you have it: The unglamorous, un-paranoid truth.

  6. g*y Republicans killed Kennedy -- just ask Oliver Stone -- and the government won't tell us that because no one wants to admit that there are such things as g*y Republicans. Everybody adamantaly insists that there are no such things as g*y Republicans.

  7. FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! Ask yourself, 'If Kennedy had lived, who would have LOST money?' or 'Because Kennedy died, who MADE money?'

  8. CIA operation.  They won't tell us because it's illegal for an agency to kill its own President.


    \\  Golgothor


  9. Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy.

  10. He wanted to end the Federal Reserve. The big bankers did it.

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