
Who killed more people?

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George W Bush (war in the middle east) or the 9/11 terrorist attacks?




  1. What narrow-minded question.  You are trying to compare a single event on a single day to an entire war?

    Which uses more gas:   a trip to the theater in a Hummer or a year of driving a hybrid Prius? Man, I didn't realize how much hybrids suck until being introduced to this new kind of comparison logic.

    Of course the war has killed more, but apparently it hasn't killed enough yet because the terrorists are still out there and active.

  2. The war has killed more than were killed on 9/11. I also agree Bree go get your head checked, your thoughts show how sheltered Americans are by what they are shown on the news in the latest hype.  Why don't you go talk to some of the people living in these countries, not the ones slapped on the news, they are picked for there views, not for what the people of their country feel. Most Americans are clueless on what's really going on, don't talk to the radicals, how many Americans listen to the radicals of our country, we find the nuts.  Well hello .......guess who they're showing you on TV.

  3. I am pretty confident that George Bush didn't kill anyone, however, If he didn't order the death of many many more radical muslim terrorists than the lives they took, he should be impeached.  

  4. 2753 died on 9/11, and 4000 soldiers have been killed in Iraq.  That's just Iraq.  Not to mention Afghanistan.  That's just U.S. casualties.  That isn't counting all the people in Iran or Afghanistan.  The families,

    civilians, you know.  War. Good God.  What is it good for?  Nothin!!!

    Seems like those hippies had the right idea huh?

  5. George W bush didn't personally kill anyone.  So I'm gonna have to go with the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks.

  6. as far as i know George hasn't killed anyone.  As for the the 9-11 attacks those didnt kill to many

  7. You did because YA kills 1 million african children for every stupid question.

  8. Same thing isn't it?

  9. G.Bush. no competition

  10. The terrorists didnt attck us. The government did. Why do you think they didnt find plane parts at the Pentagon? The govenment wont even let anybody see the security tapes.

    Or explain how the first twin tower completely collapsed? A plane couldnt make a buildin that big completely collapse.

  11. George W. Bush didn't kill a single person in the war in Iraq or Afghanistan.  Coalition troops handled the enemy, Bush & CONGRESS sent them there.

    You do realize that the President doesn't have the sole power to declare war, right?

  12. Well considering Mr Bush orchestrated both this isn't really a question.

  13. Liberals for giving the terrorist the freedom to rein terror on the world.  

  14. Loaded question. We are killing insurgents. They aren't people.They don't count as people. Anybody that straps a bomb on a civilians chest and sends them to a market to be a suicide bomber isn't human.

  15. Bush is guilty in both cases

  16. Hands down George W Bush  

  17. George Bush . . .  and he is also one of the neocons responsible for the 9-11 terrorist attacks upon our own citizens as they gave us  "a new Pearl Harbor" as outlined in their bible, The Project for a New American Century that they decided was needed to garner public support for their hegemonic war ambitions in the Middle East.

  18. Mr Bush hasn't killed anyone..The only thing dead is your brain..

  19. Not sure...  you should ask Hill-Billy and all the other Democrats in Congress that voted FOR the war...

  20. "I didn't get a harumph out of that guy"


    "Give the Governor a harumph"

  21. You know that's not even close.Estimates are that at least 150.000 Iraq's died at the start of the Iraq war and another 25,000 since.over 4,000 American soldiers,nobody knows how many contractors.

  22. So, tell me, who did Bush kill.  Grow a brain retardo.

  23. I know I killed more than Pres Bush, and I am pretty sure I killed more than the terrorist on 9/11 so your answer is me.....

    and for Bree you are a raging idiot and need to go get checked out and not in the free clinic this time.....

  24. If they had used a nuke instead of an airplane would you have the same question?

  25. Funny the question should be Which Bush killed more people...

    and I will say Jr. (counting Afghanistan and Iraq) this time around, though it was under daddy's orders.

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