
Who knew that the US currently has a ban on visitors with HIV?

by Guest56218  |  earlier

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Was the ban bad or good for the US? What do you think of the possible lifting of the ban?

I learned this through a Yahoo article.





  1. People who have HIV and people who look like 'Turrahists'... the list is growing

  2. Dubai (if you've heard of it) also has such bans. In order to get a visa into the country you need to have a blood test. If you have HIV, you are not allowed to live or work there. However, in Dubai there are no medical facilities to deal with HIV like there are in the US. The ban could be a good thing, as it might help to control the HIV already IN the country - maybe? On the bad side, you'll be dealing with things like human rights as HIV infected people are already discriminated against at work, socially, etc... so now they're being discriminated against as travellers. Another side, what if the person needed medical attention that only a good hospital in the US can offer? Does this mean he/she will be denied medical breakthroughs that they can pay for in the US because they are not citizens, but visitors?

    Tricky subject to tackle really....

  3. Actually, it's not just HIV.  People with any number of communicable diseases like HIV, tuberculosis, dengue fever, etc. are banned from traveling to the USA.  Many other countries have identical restrictions or even more stringent requirements.

  4. There are many health related blocks. All of them are needed. Do you want some plague here?

    I am in favor of a ban on muslims as well.

  5. People travel about.  I think the ban is silly.  I think all the judging in the answers I was coerced to read from the length of the question is unnecessary.  This planet is in it deep if this is the best we can do  

    I didn't know before now.

  6. Yeah, the HIV ban is common knowledge, as far as I know. I'm for a ban on Muslim immigration in this country as well. There's way too many of them in northern Florida.

    Best wishes.

  7. An HIV ban? That's laughable, considering how many Americans have acquired the virus in their own country, from their fellow Americans...

    Looks like a medical excuse to cover a racist sub-text. Still, they're entitled to say who does or doesn't enter their country

  8. I didnt know about it. but then iam not from the US

  9. Good ban.

    I think we should stop all immigration: our population is diverse enough since we have people from all over the planet living here now; our educational, social service, and health care systems are on the brink of collapse and more immigrants will only stress them further; look around -- do we really need any more people, especially more who have communicable diseases?

  10. I knew. Its a good thing. We need to have more types of bans, such as a ban on muslim immigration.

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