
Who knew who Sara Palin was 10 days ago?

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10 Days ago the Republican party was all a buzz with the rest of the nation wondering who our beloved McCain would chose. She is the best he could do? If I was a Republican I would mad as h**l!




  1. i didnt even know who was the govener of alaska

  2. Dude I thought Alaska was part of Canada

  3. i knew her exactly 7 days ago

  4. I didn't know who she was, but I didn't who obama or mccain were either.

  5. I did.

    I listen to Glenn Beck and she was on his show 6 months ago. She was considered a rising star but a well kept secret.

  6. The people who are in charge of her ethics investigation.

    Ooh, six thumbs down!  Did I strike a nerve?

  7. Who knew Barack Obama 2 years ago? I never heard of him either. What's your point?

  8. Never heard of her until 9 days ago.

  9. who knew who obama was a year ago?

  10. If you watched any real news you would have heard of her 1 1/2 years ago when she shook up Alaska.

    The Liberal media ignored the story because she is not "one of them"

    And as a Republican I am THRILLED with Sarah!

    I can not imagine a better choice, I even forgave McCain for the "gang of 14"

    Obama's choice is the joke, Sarah will destroy that bitter plagiarizing liberal and Biden knows it, I can't wait!

  11. Former Alaska resident. Ive known of her for several years. I hope I never know you.

  12. Who the h**l knew who Obama was? I sure didn't and I'm sure 95% of the public didn't either.

  13. McCain says he knew all about her. So go figure. Since he knew all about her, the only reason he could have picked such a bad choice is because he needs someone to blame for loosing the elections. Pretty smart huh?

  14. Considering she is the governor of my state yes I know of her.

  15. Why, are you outraged.  Because he chose a woman who can hunt and fish and likes sports.  You must be discriminatory against women.  She can do just as good a Job as any man and probably better.  ( I can always spot a case of short man complex.)  

  16. check my answer history.....I guessed she was a finalist for the job weeks ago...especially after the "change-meister" picked Biden, the ultimate insider to compensate for his shortcomings.

    That's what happens when you pay attention to the issues....but "if you were a Republican" you'd probably know that...

  17. I never heard of her until last week, but the more I hear the more I like her.  She is true change not some washington insider...boy has Obama really lost his message of change.

  18. I did. And I am happy as h**l he chose her, thank you. she has more experience as a mayor and a governor than obama has as a community organizer and a campaigner. he is toast.

  19. You're just mad as h**l because she's taking Obama's tv time and making the Republican ticket rise in the polls.  lol

  20. Many Wise Republicans

    And seemingly zero (know-it-all) 'main stream media'.  That's one of the things that made McCain's pick so wonderful!


  21. I did.

    Anyone who followed McCain's campaign would've known she had been "on the list" for about 3 months.

    But, before that I never had.

  22. I saw her on C-span two months ago spouting off about how many polar bears she sees all the time.  I'm sure she does since they're looking for somewhere to live and are drowning in the meantime as their habitat melts.  

    She came off as an extremist nutcase and now she's proven it.

  23. In answer to your question, the people who admired her naked modeling photos and the man (her husband's business partner) she had her extramarital affair with.

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