
Who knows a goods kung fu master?

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I have just transferred here to Killeen and desire to practise.Observe any proper school if it is in the downtown area.




  1. idk who, but who ever it is, I want him to train me big time!!!!

  2. In china once there was a doctor asked by the emperor, who the best doctor in his family was.  The doctor replied "my eldest brother sees the spirit of sickness, and removes it before it takes form, so his name does not leave the house.  My older brother cures sickness while it is still extremely minute, so his name does not leave the village.  As to myself, I puncture veins, massage the skin and prescribe potions, so my name sometimes gets heard from among the lords..."

    Point of this story?  The more skillful a martial artist, the less likely China is to share them, and in the same way that family of doctors only shared with outsiders the least skilled among them, so too will China only share the least skilled of their Kung Fu practitioners.  Do not look for a master in the United States; likely, in all the world given the deterioration of practice, and the lack of respect for the old traditions, there are probably only 20 masters left, and I don't think any east asian country will share them with us, or anyone.  Their names, are probably not public, but the countries they are from likely consider them living national treasures.  The Shaolin monk from New York is likely very strong and skillful, and his movements likely have a lot of power from decades of practice.  However, I can tell you with certainty, there is someone in China far stronger and more powerful than him, and that man, China will not let "escape" to the U.S.  Lastly, as powerful and skillful as that master Shaolin monk is compared to the one in New York, the most powerful martial artist in all of China, is a woman, in a rural, out of the way area of China.  Think about it yourself and you will see it makes sense, also, said woman was likely born in the year of the Dragon, and is now in her 40's.

    Just accept what you are given of any art or skillful instructor that you can find, and practice hard and engage in deep meditation to become a master yourself, its all you can do.  To find a good school, look for any school under the umbrella of a larger organization, and hopefully one that has a ratio of 5 instructors per 20 students.  That close to personal instruction combined with meditation will go a long way.

    good luck.

  3. Cheng fu lu he study 40 years of kung fu and 20 of judo

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