
Who knows about paranormal events?

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i have some questions for some paranormal experts. please email me at i feel like im being watched or followed. it feels like a ghost or something is following me around my house all the time but it only happens in my house. it feels like there is somebody right behind me all the time and i can feel a presence of someone in my house. things around my house just dissapear and show up again a week or so later. also all the electronics in my house get all screwed up and go wacky when ever i use them. not just some electronics all of them, dvd players, tv, video game systems, etc.




  1. If the answer to this question is yes I want you to call someone locally so they can take a look.

    When the items disappear do they move from room to room?

    If the answer is yes, please call a paranormal investigator in your area.

  2. Sounds like you need an electrician more than a paranormal investigator.

    Imaginary ghosts won't hurt you, bad wiring may.

  3. The first place to start is not with a paranormal investigator, but an electrician and your breaker box. My guess is you live in an older home or have electrical not up to code. Dirty power (inconsistant voltage with many drops and peaks) can cause all sorts of electrical problems from TVs turning on and off on their own to lights flickering to blenders slowing and speeding up. Dirty voltage can strain electrical components causing them to fail or malfunction. Often tied to this is poor insultation of the electrical lines. When shielding is not adequate, current produces electromagnetic fields. These fields have been proven to affect the temporal lobes of the brain. Some symptoms can include temperature sensitivity, headaches, vertigo, and the feeling of being watched.

    If the electrical is fine, consult your local paranormal research organization. A searchable database of organizations can be found at Good luck!

  4. well your house is haunted. or you are. but not by anything bad it just sounds like a mischievous spirit person. it doesn't sound like it could be a demon or a poltergeist.

  5. sure

  6. I'm not an expert by any means, but I am a medium. I might be able to help explain things for you. Feel free to email (through my profile).  

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