
Who knows about the Radial homegrown terriost bill that just passed congress?

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This bill is directed toward American citizens who believe in other religions or alternative theories of our government. In light of the 9-11 research that tells us the official report is a lie...anyone who challenges the government and their practices can be labeled as a terriost. People lose their rights to trial by jury and representation. If this passes the will be the end of our civil liberties....Please research this one too.




  1. Yup,all the political dissidents will be rounded up and taken away. I always wanted to go to camp.People will question your sanity just for asking this question. Bleeping sheep.

  2. I am not surprised as I am sure Bush would like to declare himself dictator. Hitler did the same thing. It was called the Sippenhoft doctrine. We are all doomed.

  3. Let me see if I have this straight. You don't provide any name or number for this bill. You say it just passed in the Congress. Then you say if it passes the House it will be the end of our civil liberties. Then you admonish everyone to research this. Wow!

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