
Who knows anything about CPS [child protection Services]??

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Who knows anything about CPS [child protection Services]??




  1. This is such a loaded question and the answers, will depend on who you ask and how and why they were involved with CPS to begin with.  All knowledge of CPS, comes from experience with the Agency.  The Agency is suppose to be just what the name implies "Child Protection Services", but again, in many instances, it has not protected children, so again, depending on if you have to deal with this Agency, and how, no matter what extent, you will need prayers not "a" prayer, but "prayers".   God Bless.

  2. I've never dealt with them personally, but just name CPS implies for the protection of children.  

    I knew of a woman who was very ill (diabetes and heroin addict) and had a really young child.  Her own parents (father, I believe) took it upon himself to intervene for the welfare of his grandchild. and cps came in and put the child in foster care.  why not with a family member i believe was to protect the child from the mother as she would use her family members by her situation.  well, by way of her father, he got her child back through legal measures but it took a few years battling the courts and cps.    they are ruthless.  

    i believe that they step into a household looking for particular things to assess the situation and the environment.  they dont do it to hurt the family, but to protect the child.  and that is a good thing. guess they do the best that they can.  

    there must be a website you can look up.  good luck


    hope this helps.

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