
Who knows how dangerous Anti-Matter weapons will be?

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Anti-Matter is being developed as a weapon. what are your thoughts on this. what do you really know about Anti-Matter?




  1. I believe that anti matter is only produced in extremely small amounts, nowhere near enough to weaponize. But, if enough was made to use as a weapon, the effects would be several times greater than that of a hydrogen bomb. I believe that matter-antimatter reactions are over 1,000 times more powerful than a fission reaction. So, an antimatter would be even worse than any atomic or hydrogen bomb, and would probably start another arms race. If they were ever use in warfare, the results would be similar if not worse than the use of nuclear weapon.  

  2. Not developed, just dreamed about. It is unlikely they will exist any time soon, if ever.

  3. I know a great deal about them.  They are difficult to deal with, and they are not of the gage of a nuclear weapon.  But if they can be contained, they will do a jim dandy job for the infantry in the new world coming at us.

  4. Well, I am no pointy head, but from basic courses back in the day, if one iota of Anti matter touches one iota of matter then they are annihilated. So I would suppose that it would be a doomsday weapon.

  5. It's not likely that these will be available anytime soon.  Antimatter has only been created in tiny, I mean we're talking about millionths of a gram here, amounts.  And it has been very expensive to create.  Creating it and then being able to stabilize it has proven very difficult. Then to be able to harness that energy to create a weapon seems pretty far off.  But if it were done it would be a weapon that nobody would want to see unleashed as the power is much more potent than nuclear energy.  

    I would much rather see it used to create energy.  

  6. There isn't enough anti-matter available in the world to get the effect of a cheap firecracker.

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