
Who knows how to play the pass out game?

by  |  earlier

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please tell writing an article about this..please be as specific about different ways to do it




  1. OMG!!

    I just learned last night...

    how I play, is with a bunch of people...

    I squat down pull in my arms and squeeze my fists as hard as I can. Then you start breathing in and out very deeply slowly and heavily. Then you have someone count out loud to 30 and then you speed up your breathing and breathe even deeper. Then they continue counting till they reach 45 seconds...and then you stand up right away and put your thumb in your mouth and blow as hard as you possibly can. Then you completely blank. & I have the people surround me and then they catch me and slowly lay me down.

    It is the weirdest and most wicked feeling ever.

    I have done it six times.

    It felt like I was asleep for the whole night,(even though I was out for like two seconds) and I had a full dream, and when you wake up you don't know where you are.

    I thought I was in Disney World in my first dream.

    One of my friends was soooo freaky when she passed out. She looked possessed and she actually punched my other friend in the chest. It was hilarious!!!!!!! And every time she did the game she would get aggressive and basically have seizures. She peed her pants three different times while being passed out. She said in her dreams she was getting chased by someone...It was amazing.

    And it's so weird because sometimes it looks like the people are faking it but usually thats just how they are.

    It's crazy the first time I did it after I got up I didn't know where I was and YOU DON'T KNOW THE FEELING, UNTIL YOU ACTUALLY DO IT.


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