
Who knows information G. Stanley Hall?

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Who knows information G. Stanley Hall?




  1. As a homeschooler, you should learn how to use the search features on your computer.

    I typed "G. Stanley Hall" into my search engine and found l,410,000 entries. Go to the search links below and choose the one that will help you the most.

  2. Granville Stanley Hall is known as the father of child psychiatry in the US. To learn more about him, just type G. Stanley Hall into your seach engine and you'll get a to of results. Just a caution, however. Don't rely on Wikipedia and don't use it as a citation when you are writing reports or essays, because most teachers will not accept it as a reliable source. And, although you are home schooled, you should ensure that the sources you cite are as reliable as possible.

    Learning how to find information is going to be an important part of your home schooling and before putting queries on Yahoo, you should try using search engines and learning to find information for yourself.

    good luck

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