
Who knows of a great homeschool curriculum?

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i am looking for one that isn't expensive. That has grades k-12.




  1. We started with Lifepacs way back in the beginning. I would not recommend them for Math. Go to R.O.C.K. Solid for better prices. .

    We have gotten away from doing all classes with one curriculum. When you feel comfortable, try different approaches. We use Apologia for science, Saxon for Math, Abeka for Language Arts, and we have a co op that covers Literature, History, Geography, and writing.

    Hope this helps some!

  2. i did A Beka Book for the first 4 years

    but now i do American School of Correspondence it's for a H.S. diploma and completely accredited

  3. I would recommend looking into Christian Liberty Press;

    They get our vote for solid academics, plenty of electives, and they are inexpensive compared to other curriculum's.

  4. Christian Liberty is great especially for the price!

    I won some of their curricula in a raffle earlier this year, and I was extremely pleased.

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