
Who knows some good books about the Ottaman Empire?

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Who knows some good books about the Ottaman Empire?




  1. I cannot vouch for these books as I have not read them:

    Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition

    N Itzkowitz - 1980 - University Of Chicago Press

  2. Hi Chaz....,

    I read the book A.J. nominated "A Peace to End All Peace" by David Fromkin and I found it very enjoyable and easy to read. Another good book I would highly recommend is; Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empir  by Jason Goodwin.  Chaz in the book, Goodwin explores the rise of Ottoman power and chronicles the centuries of rule and the gradual decline of this empire. Beginning with the origins of the Ottomans from Anatolia in western Turkey, where many of them were warriors of the Islamic faith, the narrative moves to the fourteenth century, when the Ottomans under Murad I consolidated their empire. By 1400, the Ottomans had managed to extend their influence over much of Anatolia and even into Byzantine territory in Eastern Europe: Macedonia and Bulgaria. Under Murad’s son, Bayezit, the Ottomans first laid siege to Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. Goodwin’s text describes several anecdotes and incidents related to these conquests. We are told how the cruel and arrogant Bayezit met his Waterloo in the hands of Tamerlane, the central Asian warrior who imprisoned and tortured him till he dashed his brains on the cage walls.

    Chaz did you ever read a book and say to yourself ; This would make a great film? Well this book definetly would.

    I hope you get to read it at sometime.

    Good luck my friend.


  3. Good morning.  Try "A Peace to End All Peace" by David Fromkin.  It is about 7 or 8 years old and is very readable and good. It talks more about how the fall of the Ottoman Empire created what we now call the Middle East. (The "peace to end all peace" was the end of World War I.)

    If you want more of a general history try "Ottoman Centuries" by Lord Kinross.  It is an older book but still very good.

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