
Who knows some good vegetarian food that settles the crave for meat?

by Guest45173  |  earlier

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Who knows some good vegetarian food that settles the crave for meat?




  1. dude, idk but i get these absolutely insane cravings for meatballs!!  (holy random, i know)  i can't find any replacement for them yet.

  2. Ha, well, no one's going to like my answer but the truth is that when you crave meat it's probably because you crave animal protein and the kind of iron that exists in blood rather than in plants, so you're not ever really going to be able to satisfy that craving.  The best thing to do is eat heavy vegetables like mushrooms, eggplants, and soy and if you're lacto-ovo eat cheese and eggs.  That's the closest you'll ever come.  Sorry!

  3. My total favorite meat substitute is falafel.  I have no idea why, it doesn't taste like meat.  I think it's because the little fried patties remind me of a chicken nugget...but give me some falafel on a pita with sauce lettuce and tomato and I am one happy vegetarian!

  4. the soy meats... morningstar, boca, gardenburger, etc. all make veggie versions of practically every meat product out there (normal meat products... hot dogs, burgers, chicken nuggets, etc.)

  5. any fake meat products

    like if you crave chicken - try chic n' nuggets by morning star

    or have a veggie burger or veggie dog

  6. Mock meat, soy meat, tofu!

  7. I disagree with those who rave about Morningstar products! Besides the fact that I find their taste kind of chemical-ish, I also think that it's not very healthy because of all the ingredients on the box. Take a look see!

    I have been a vegetarian since 1985 and am now getting away from all those fake meat products. Most have soy protein isolate and wheat gluten, both of which are not supposed to be good for the body. HOWEVER, I still am not there yet and it is decent as a transitional food. My faves are:

    Gimme Lean! soysauge (you make the patties from the refrigerated roll--best I have tasted in that category), Boca Burgers--vegan variety, Amy's Quarter Pounder burgers (the healthiest, I believe, and tastiest!)...

  8. peanut butter, unless you have a peanut allergy.

  9.<===usually does the trick.  I'm not joking.  When I had a craving I watched it.  It only took about 3 separate times and I am immune to the smell and site of meat.  I actually gag a little now...sometimes a lot!

  10. Boca Burgers with all the hamburger condiments. For a matter of fact, my friend and I today were talking about them and she said she doesn't like them because they taste to much like meat. They're so delicious, try it if you haven't already!

  11. Boca Burgers!

    Theyre wonderful because they taste almost identical too regular bugers, but theyre meatless.

    You can get them at any grocery store in the freezer islee.

    Good Luck :]

  12. None that I know of. Eat some chocolate instead!

  13. When I'm craving meat I get some Primal Strips jerky.  I never liked beef jerky (because it was too tough) but Primal strips are perfect!

    I also go for Gardenburger Ribs!

    If I feel like chicken I get Quorn naked cutlets.

    For turkey I have Quorn roast.

    If I want sloppy joes or a meaty chili I use TVP or meatless grounds (no favorite brand--there are several out there).

    We like Tofu Pups for hot dogs and either Morningstar Farms or Quorn corn dogs.

    Just about any veggie burger works for us (especially the mushroom lovers).

    Yves makes great cold cuts.

  14. There are a lot of products out there that I've tried recently that are a good substitute for meat.  The new soy/vegetable breakfast sausages taste just like actual breakfast sausages.  Most of the burgers don't really taste good.  If you're not completely vegan, adding cheese to the diet may also curve your cravings.  I've had cheese pizzas that fixed my cravings before.

  15. pasta

  16. Falafel!  

    Go to and search "Sean's Falafel".

    It's excellent!

    Good luck!!!

  17. Morning Star pizza flavored veggie burgers.

    Delish ;D

  18. Chana Masala + Lemon Rice

    Spinach Dahl + Tomato Rice

    Mango Dahl

    Eggplant Curry + Tamarind Rice

    Samhar, Iddli, Dosas

    Chole Poori

    Poori Aloopalya


    Dahi Wada

    Dahi Poori

    Bhel Poori

    Palak Paneer

    Mutter Paneer


    Baba Ganoush



    Eggplant w/Pomegranate Sauce

    Yellow Curry w/Potatoes and Tofu

    Green Curry w/Vegetables and Tofu

    Red Curry w/Veggies and Tofu

    Pad Thai w/Vegetables and Tofu

    Spicy Basil Noodles w/Vegetables and Tofu

    Thai Soft Spring Rolls w/ Tofu

    This is just the tip of the iceburg....

    Start experimenting with real veg food and you'll see what I mean!! You will never have that empty feeling in your stomach that makes you want to eat meat...&  you will never crave another meat substitute again ;)

  19. I've found that peanut butter satisfies my cravings. I've been a vegetarian all my life but I ♥ chicken, this always seems  to help me.

  20. it's probably not the meat you crave, unless you're new to this.

    It's more than likely the protien that meat has that your body is craving. Try satisfying with something like nuts or other high protein foods.

    (Protein is just an example, could be iron or something else you need)


  22. tofu burgers yummy!or just think of poor little cows getting killed! :(

    :Dworks fer me!

  23. Morning Star Farms makes great stuff! It comes in a green box in the frozen food section! My favorite are the chicken nuggets, chicken tenders, and chicken patties! It is called "chicken", but everything is soy meat. It just doesn't sound as appetizing if you say soy tenders! They taste amazing in the oven (or microwave), especially with ketchup!!! They also have stuff like sausage links (soy sausage links), some sort of sesame ginger rice patty, tomato basil burgers, buffalo wings (still soy), and a lot more! People who are not even vegetarian eat this stuff because it tastes great, contain so much less fat, and it is not expensive! These links show you what the boxes look like!

    Remember! Everything is 100% vegetarian!

    This stuff tastes better than any other brand!! Try the sausage links with ketchup or one box of something else to see if you like it! I have not met anyone who doesn't like at least 90% of their products! *They turn out better in the oven though!

  24. Bean and rice burrito with cabbage and cilantro (yum) really filling and "meaty". It is a texture more than a taste that most folks miss so try having a nice wrap with legumes and rice when the "meat feed" hits. Good Luck!

  25. Beans or Mushrooms.

  26. your body is telling you that you need protein and iron. Eat beans.

    Tasty, High fiber, black beans and brown rice

    can of S&W Caribbean Black beans (has Red Bell Pepper, Anaheim Chili Peppers,Diced Onion & Lime, Juice in Caribbean Sauce)

    can of mexican stewed tomatoes (has green pepper and onion)

    chili paste (tablespoon of Huy Fong Sambal Oelek, Chili Paste)

    Uncle Ben's Brown Rice (Microwave in bag)

    Drain juice from cans and add 1-2 tablespoons cornstarch, mix

    Cook beans, tomatoes till bubbling. If you would like it thicker and more sauce, add cornstarch mixture, stir till the sauce comes out clear.

    Meanwhile, microwave brown rice for 90 seconds. Place beans mixture on top or mix together. This makes 2 servings.


    Black Bean Salad

    2 Large Cans Black Beans

    1 Can White Corn

    4 Plum Tomatoes

    1 Medium Red Onion

    1/2 Green Pepper

    Handful Fresh Cilantro Or 1/2 Tablespoon Dried Cilantro

    1/2 Tablespoon Salt

    1/4 Cup Balsamic Vinegar

    1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

    2 Chipotle Peppers

    1/2 Tablespoon Minced Garlic

    Drain and rinse black beans.  

    Drain white corn.  

    Dice red onion, green pepper, chipotle peppers, plum tomatoes.  

    Chop cilantro.  

    Mix together.  Add salt, olive oil, garlic and vinegar.  

    Chill, covered at least 4 hours.

    Serves: 8

    Preparation time: 1 hour


  27. I don't know where you live but there is a place in the D.C. Area called Terrys Healthy Foods and he specializes in vegan and vegetarian fake meats and fishes and other assorted items and you can probably call and find out where you might get it where you live (it seems like he imports them from Asia). The vegan shrimp are like real shrimp just without animal products and he even has vegan abalone (which if you were to buy the real stuff it would cost you a lot for the size of vegan abalone you can get) and he had vegan pigs feet (no joke though I haven't tried it or the abalone either real or fake) I highly suggest staying away from Boca products as they are or were owned by Phillip Morris and are still owned by Krapt Foods. If you want burgers check out Amy's or if you want chick'n go with Okara Courage Burgers

    Though you really should check out Terry's store or give him a call, he is really awesome and super friendly:

    12059 Nebel St.

    Rockville, Md.


  28. Morning Star was my favoritve vegetarian meats company when I was a vegetarian! There veggie patties taste and nuggets taste just like chicken! Also Try Boca burgers or Amy's burgers! They taste just like real burgers!!

  29. Mock meat ;D

    Highly Recommended products - Morning Star and Yves :)

    They sell vegetarian chicken, vegetarian sausages, boca burgers, etc. It helps you stop the craving for meat & its vegetarian friendly! (its made from soy and vegetables, but taste like actual meat/poultry) Also, if you are craving meat badly and the mock meat doesn't work, drink lots of water or herbal tea. That usually stops cravings.

    Here are some vegetarian 'mock meat' recipes :)

    Hope I helped! :)

  30. Grilled portabello caps, topped with cheese (optional), resemble cheeseburgers, can even be served in a roll. Eggplant, too...grilled and in a sandwich.

  31. If it's for a burger, try an original Boca burger.  It's vegan and it tastes like a burger.

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