
Who knows something that wastes 3 hours of time outside the house?

by  |  earlier

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need something to do for 3 hours outside the house




  1. stand on your head and count blades of grass

  2. Voluntary work. Not time wasted, but a productive and useful way to help others.

  3. Gardening, painting, shopping, meeting up with mates

  4. on the lash with m8s,should be back by the morning then.

  5. go shoot some hoops

    find a friend and have a game of tennis; if no friend, beat the ball against the backboard

    go golfing, or just go in back yard and practice hitting with some plastic golfballs.  

    play catch with a football or baseball

  6. yeh, i do. if i go outside my house and bump into my neighbour then thats a good 3 hours wasted, he talks nonesense for hours!

  7. Window shopping and grocery shopping

  8. Go to the library and read a book there.

    Buy a sketchbook and some pencils and go draw something.

    Get a friend and go to some pubs you've never been to before (only if you are 18+!)

    Go on a bike ride and explore somewhere you've not been before.

    Get your digital camera and go take some artsy farsty fancy pants photographs.

    Find a canal - walk along it (on the path of course!)

    Go to the woods, be inspired by nature and write a novel or short story or childrens book (then illustrate it), failing that - climb a tree.

    Get some bread and go feed the ducks.

    Buy some diablos and practise, practise, practise.


    Go to an isolated place and yell very loudly.

    Find some mud and make mud pies.

  9. Play golf ?

  10. wash and wife's and my car will be  a good 3 hours  wasted... wife will even make you a sandwich ..

  11. Tidy up the garden.

    Go for a cycle ride or a good long walk.

  12. Pulling out the weeds.

    Surfing the net at a cafe.

    Cleaning out your car.

    Walking to nearby stores.

    Hanging around at the beach.

    Dominoes in the park with some old man.

    Walking and playing with dog at the park.

  13. i know many people who spend their time more than 03 hours , it is in Algeria , people stay  outside the house  without doing any thing because of unemployee , you know there is more than 75% of unemployee. they stay against the wall they call them  in arabic  "hitiste"

  14. I like to go for a good walk to kill some time when I'm bored.

  15. a 3 hour movie.

    a 3 hour dinner.

    a 3 hour drive.

    a 3 hour run.

    a 3 hour date.

    a 3 hour meeting up with mates.

    a 3 hour study session (library).

  16. mowing the lawn... very slowly.

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