
Who knows what Dale Thomas's mobile number is? i really need it!?

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Who knows what Dale Thomas's mobile number is? i really need it!?




  1. why would ya want his number anyway, and also i dont think anyone in here is going to have it

  2. Ask Anthony Rocca hed have it, or Straughnie!

  3. Sure, 0419317446

  4. Joffa, just leave him alone, ok?

  5. Ask his boyfriend

  6. when you get it... pass it my way too ;)

  7. I don't know what his number is.....but while I have your attention do you have the mobile number of Megan Gale for me please?

    I'm also chasing that of Jennifer Hawkins, as well!

  8. come on lets not start this rubbish on this section, if any one had it, they wouldn't pass it out, are you just having a joke or what?

    i could ask my collingwood cousin for you but he would say the same as any one, rack off.

    hey maybe it's dale, nah it isn't him?

  9. what do you need his number for?

  10. Can you like not put bullsh*t questions on here... go to the Polls & Surveys section.

  11. Dial  011-1-407-699-9999

  12. Hang on,  No sorry, I must have erased it and put Nathan Bassets number there Sorry !!!

  13. I'd love to know why

    If its some kind of emergency then im sure Eddie will have called him already ;)

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