
Who knows where on the internet can i find those tubes for bikes that never have to be inflated?

by  |  earlier

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they are all like a inner tube but are made whole out of some sort of rubber and u never have to inflate them or they will never puncture!!!!!!!!!




  1. They are Cyclo No-Mor Flats tubes. Just google for that. You can also get airless tires.


  2. If you do any serious riding, you may want to avoid them. They add alot of weight, and the 'feel' is not that good. Might be ok for a little kid.

  3. There are several, but don't think all is magic.  Inflatable tubes are still popular for several reasons.

    Non inflatable tubes are usually much heavier.

    If you are having issues with regular tubes first consider if you are using the right pressure.  For example a mountain bike usually fills at 40-50 psi. That is right, much more than a car. (Road racing bicycles use even more pressure.)  There are tubeless bikes that use less pressure, like a car, but if you use tube tires and don't use the correct pressure it is easier to get a flat.  Also you can use ticker tubes or use some sealing gel inside them.

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