
Who likes Pisces..? And what do you like about them..?

by Guest10877  |  earlier

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I think PISCES is the coolest signs ever.I mean having all the wisdom,open-mindedness,and also having elements of all other 11 signs combined as one,also their idealistic,dreamy and at times brilliant nature about them.

I love my sign,but i completely dislike other pisceans whom i come into contact with.They are just boring,total kiss-asses and dull and uninspired.Dont take offence anyone.Yes,you guessed right.Im a pisces myself.

Anyway what do you think?




  1. I liked Pisces except they have trust issues.  The woman are illustrated in literature by Cinderella.  She was dutiful to her family and looked out for them all.  She dreamed of her Prince Charming coming for her one day to whisk her away one his stallion to his castle where se would live in safety and comfort forever after.   The Piscean person likes the security of family.  They are materialistic but not in an extravagant way.  They usually only want enough to make them comfortable and they are very good at sharing what they have right downto their mate.  The Piscean woman makes an excellent mistress because of these ways.  She cares not that her man be married as long as he treats her right.  Like her cousin sign the Scorpio she has an amazing ability to keep a secret.   Scorpios are worriers though just like The Cnacerians their other cousin water sign.  

    that is why they are considered to be the feet of society,  They will tend to get their life in order at a young age and then they begin to worry about those around them.  Most people like Pisceans because they are not bossy like Leos.  They usually are not leaders at all.  They tend to be good followers.  This is good seeing how most of the people in society are either Aquarians or Pisces,  That is why they sing aboutthe Age of Aquarius.  We are presently coming out of the age of Pisces where most people were born Pisces and heading into the times when most people are born Aquarian.  One last thing is that Pisceans usually have the power for ESP.  They see, hear, taste, and feel more than most people.  Theythink so quick that they talk about they have a feeling about something and they can not explain it.  that is because all the information their senses have taken in on a situation is put together and spit out and answer so quick that it can not be explained off as anything other than a feeling which is reallly a quickly calculated conclusion sort of like what Sherlock Holmes would do but faster so that they can not give the long explanations he gives when he comes to a conclusion.  That is because Sherlock Holmes was a thinker. Not a feeler.  Just as quick as the Piscean feelings can happen the can change also that is why Pisces has the fish as its sign.  Watch a fish in a fish bowl or tank.  Notice how it can change directions that it is swimming in suddenly and go in a new direction.  It is written that that explains the feelings of the Piscean person.  It is what sometimes makes them so hard to understand, but basically they are good people  who due to their sensitivities like to be left alone, like Barbara Streisand a very famous Piscean and you never really hear much about the private life of Sidney Potier another famous Piscean.

  2. I like Pisces as friends. They're lovable, funny, sensitive, down-to-earth, and have huge hearts. I would never date one again though..rofl. Very cool people to hang out with.

  3. i dated a Pisces male. he was very unstable. hate Pisces no offense to you. ~LEO~

  4. i like Pisces but then again i am one and so is my twin sister but i really don't take that in to consideration when i meet new people so i really don't know?

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