
Who likes Turin city?

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I live outside the city.

I prefer it.

What do you think about Piedmont?




  1. Lovely...

    Have a nice time

  2. I've been there for both work and pleasure and it's an OK city. I agree with you, the surrounding hill side cities are much better to live in. The GAM (Galleria di Arte Moderna) is cool and the Egyptology museum is a fun place to visit.

    I've been in Italy on and off since 1980 and I've never really visited the Piedmont region. I've seen Lombardy, the Veneto, Friuli and Sicily but one of these days I'll rent a car and do Piemonte too.

  3. i liked it.  i was there for a few days last sept.  i also liked it because there were not very many tourists.
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