
Who likes golf like c'mon its BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I used to think golf is boring when I watched it on TV.  Now I know it is because I have no idea what goes on with the game and just being ignorant.  After playing golf for many many years, now I love the game and watch more golf than any other sports on TV.

    Don't knock it unless you've tried it.  If you haven't played golf, you are not qualified to judge it!!

  2. Much of the outlook on golf depends on who is answering the question and more significantly, who is asking. Apparently, immaturity is at the helm who has no idea in the world what the game is all about . Naturally, it would be boring. That is the common adolescent reply. Consider, that the game is played by the individual. He is on his own, he develops his skills to the best of his ability. He will practice if he has any degree of talent. He will compete against others to confirm whether he is qualified for a career in the sport. Then further education or like most of the Europeans into the golfing fray. If the talent prevails, qualifying for the tour becomes a realistic goal. It is sooooo BORING that it is the most played sport in England, Ireland and the United States. Who likes golf ? All those people who play at it and appreciate  its difficulty  and don't find it BORING at all.

  3. It's probably because you don't play.  Before judging something, try it first and then you'd be in a position to pass judgement.

    Edit: and yeah you are boring and this is a boring question.

  4. OMG You're my HERO!!!! I agree 100 thousand percent!

    I hate it >:O

  5. I have been playing golf for 4 years and i love it. It teaches you aim and patience, i also have been playing varsity volleyball and i bowl for 4 years. . Have you ever tried playing golf. Don't question something you haven't tried. And if you have just shut up and let other people enjoy it.

  6. i suppose if you have no appreciation of a perfectly judged shot its boring. Most stuff is boring if you break it down like that.;

  7. Who likes Allison?  She's boring.

  8. hey how do you know its boring if you dont play them? means, of course you love the game and that is why you play it.

    just like me. i love the game but its boring (only when i make poor scores). its so boring that despite my nice soft bed i go to course and play and become exhausted, spend money (lot of), burn under the sun, rush to see the lie of the next shot and bla bla. its really boring (!). ha ha

  9. No, NASCAR, that's boring. Left turn, left turn, $183 a barrel, left turn, $224 a barrel...

  10. why would you post something like this? golf is the second most popular sport in the WORLD. So who likes golf? idk pretty much everybody!

  11. once you get out and play it its fun

    you are probably a person who stays home all day wondering why you have no friends

  12. i like golf.

    people have their opinions.

  13. i like golf...

    you probably like root canal...

    we're all entitled to our opinions


  14. Ahhhh, but you come to a board about golf, why? I find your question boring. But that's my opinion.

  15. You are stupid.

    End of answer...

    Expanding on that...

    Golf is an intricate sport that requires tons of dedication and talent because the technique is so precise. It may not be the most interesting thing on T.V. and I'll acknowledge that. But when you imerse yourself in the game you'll find that its quite fascinating to learn.

    If you refuse to play golf then you are ignorant and have no reason to bash it.

    If you do play golf but can't realize any of my above points then you're an idiot.

    Either way, you're stupid.   (See sentence 1)

  16. anyone with a brain

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