
Who likes paris and why???

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ive been in paris i am a traveler of course,its just that i wanna know if u like it or not,thats al!




  1. Paris Ontario Canada is a nice little town I like it a lot!!!  the other one in France blows, I don't like large cities.

  2. Its a beautiful city.  Its a romantic city.  It is a walking city, relaxing and with lots to look at to see and to do.  The food is wonderful, the shops are about glamor and good looks.  There is a feel to the city that is about excitement and love.  You see lovers everywhere kissing and enjoying their love for each other.  There is just something about the city that acts like a magnet to get you there and you don't ever want to leave.  There is so much history and culture and even the language they speak is very exotic.  Hard to explain, but if you just go there you understand the appeal it has.  Wonderful.  Can't get enough.

  3. I love Paris. I could live there if the Euro wasnt so strong!

    I love the people, the language, the weather, the shopping, the food, the nightlife, the architecture, the hot french men!, the romantic parks, and so much more!

  4. i have not been there i would lkie to but maybe when i get more money

  5. I Love Paris, The most beautiful city in the world.

  6. Well of course! It's hard to hate a city like that. Yes I've been there too and it's very nice. It's very pretty at night.

  7. The architecture is awesome, very original for foreigners and usually those love it!

    But when you're French, living in this city you just don't care about it. Most Parisians live in that city only because they work there (and usually they didn't choose to work there we just offered them a job here). Otherwise they'd better live in more quiet and calm cities, less busy, with no thief at any street corner or in the underground, in a less polluted city that is better for your health, where the weather wouldn't be rainy and grey 10 months on 12, less criminal...

    Well Paris is just great for tourism but for the's something else!

  8. I liked very much.  Beautiful, not overly expensive compared some other large cities, and the people were far more friendly than their reputation give them credit for.

  9. Paris is a fun place with great sites... but to get there do not take Air France that is the worst airline possible. Trust me.

  10. The weird thing about Paris is that people love it for what it's not really.

    Paris and NYC are twins. They are the same at all levels... and funnily, they don't have the same reputations at all. But just check streetlife in both places. It's the same. People are the same, they behave the same. Neighborhoods are the same. Everything outside architecture is the same. Both cities have souls which are so much similar that it's getting... amazing.

    These places are my favourites in the world, and I realized last time I was in New York that if it's the case, it's because what I like in each city... are actually the same things. That was a bit scary to tell the truth. The good things and the bad things in both cities are exactly the same. Weird stuff.

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